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“Are you sure about going alone?”Cameron asked Sharon as they left their hotel. He looked her over in concern but was only met with eyes that questioned his intelligence.

“Oh my god, for the last time, yes, Cameron. I am a grown woman. I can go back by myself,”she said, exasperation evident in her voice. She tried to exude confidence and reassurance but he wasn’t convinced. But she wasn’t giving him any room to worry. As if this was a normal day in their lives. But it wasn’t. They were here, in her hometown. And knowing who was here, he couldn’t help but worry.

His lips were pressed together in frustration. If this had been in New York, he would let her go wherever she wanted to. Within reason. But this was different. This was her hometown. She had bad memories about this place as it was. Combined with the fact that her mother was also in town, his concern skyrocketed.

That wasn’t all though, The memories were not only confined to her. Apparently the entire town an axe to grind against her as well. That had been evident when the two of them came down for breakfast. The people working int the dining area recognised her. The receptionist recognised her. The owner, who had specially come out, recognised her. And they were all incredibly hostile.

He hadn’t expected that. He knew this was a small town And with any small town, everyone knew everybody. But having lived in cities all his life, he hadn’t seen the implication of a small town network. But he had witnessed it that morning and it made him more than ready to wash his hands off them.

Because the warm, professional people who had greeted them that night had disappeared. The warm smile, helpful demeanor and general professionalism was gone upon setting eyes on her. And he was revolted. He wanted to leave the moment that happened but Sharon was digging in her heels. She absolutely had to get her mementos and nothing was going to stop her. Not open hostility nor common sense.. 

Because she clearly didn’t want his concern. She didn’t want his worry. He had tried, multiple times during breakfast to let him accompany her. Something that was going to bring him some peace of mind. But she refused. It was like she was shutting him out of this part of her life As if she felt that she had to deal with this herself. 

She was closing her ears on sound reason and he was running out of ideas on how to convince her. Short of physically restraining her, he couldn’t stop her. Watching her drive off felt like he was sending a defenseless lamb to the lion’s den. No matter what happened, she was going to get hurt.

As much as he wanted to prevent that, he decided to comply to her wishes.She brought him here to get out of town and, come hell or high water, he was going to do so. But first, he had to fight the urge to follow her. It was tough but he managed to do so.

WIth the sun shining obnoxiously over his head, he decided to walk around town. But even as he complied with her wishes, he was determined not to enjoy himself. He had to be miserable to show her that he couldn’t stop thinking about her just because she told him to. If she was unhappy, he had to be unhappy too. As much as they shared their successes, they also had to share the pitfalls too.

So he sets out with a morose mind. Walking around the streets, he found himself becoming charmed by the bright, cheerful day in the sun. Even the stores were welcoming him in. Posters of sale items were everywhere, tempting him to open his wallet. It was made even worse when he realised that these were all things Sharon might like. 

Barely restraining himself, he would have been successful in his quest to be miserable if it wasn't for the sheer amount of nature surrounding the town. Having lived in cities all his life, he was used to the concrete jungle. So seeing greenery everywhere was a welcome change.

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