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“Would you like something to drink?”

Looking up at the beautiful stewardess, Sharon blinked in wonder before shaking her head. Was this how it was like here? This was such a posh cabin that she had a tough time relaxing. But it was great that they were finally heading back to New York.

After the hair-raising debacle that was her exit from the town, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief. She still couldn’t believe what had happen. Her mother slapping Amelia? That had never ever happened. Did she hate her, Sharon, enough to harm her golden child? The one who had gained international acclaim?

Luckily, Amelia hadn’t been too affected by that. Her sister had a tougher skin that she expected. After checking up on her, Sharon was glad that she barely cried. Instead, with an implacable look in her eyes, it felt like she was saying goodbye to this town. Just as she was.

But even though she felt like they were getting closer, Sharon didn’t expect them to do this.

“It was nice for Scott to do this,”Cameron said, his hand coming across the table to cover hers. Flashing him an awkward smile, her shoulders moved up in an awkward shrug.

“I guess. But it’s my first time in a private jet.”

Yes, they were in a private jet. Scott’s to be exact. They had all been heading back to New York today. And having met them at the airport, for some reason, Cameron and her had been strong-armed into going back together. Well, she had to be strong-armed. Cameron looked very comfortable, relaxing into his seat with a Scotch by his side. 

“Really? It’s great. There’s so many opportunities to, you know, get in the Mile High Club,”he whispered with a saucy wink.

“Oh. And are we speaking from experience?”she asked with raised brows. Watching him jump and sweat was the highlight of this trip.

“O-of course not. You know, you hear things in this business.” It was times like this that she was reminded that he was a famous athlete. Wondering whether she wanted to go down this line, she was distracted by movement on the other side.

On the other side of the aisle was her sister and her husband. Scott was making use of the table before them, spreading out the papers and his laptop on top of it. Clearly, he had missed a lot of work if the calls that kept coming in were to be trusted.

And across from him was her sister. Sharon unconsciously tensed up just thinking about her. Amelia had her eyes closed and appeared to be sleeping. But she could see her moving around the seat and sweat was practically dripping down her forehead. Clearly she was far from comfortable.

As much as she hated her for doing this, Sharon couldn’t help being concerned. Amelia was always cool and collected. Never allowing the surrounding chaos to touch her, she always presented her best foot forward. For her to be visibly sweating and fidgeting, that was unprecedented and alarming. 

“Why don’t you go and talk to her?”Cameron suddenly said. That was unexpected. She thought he was going to keep his silence. Wondering whether she should trip him up again, her cheeks flushed when he winked at her. Embarrassed to be caught staring, she turned to the window.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,”she mumbled.

“You are practically staring holes into her. Just go,”he urged.

“I don’t see why I have to-”

“Then why did you agree to be here? I know she practically twisted your arms and everything but you must know there’s no avoiding her, right? Aren’t you the one who cares about manners and stuff?”

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