26 (NEW)

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Cameron didn't come to pick her up that evening. It took Sharon one hour to finally accept that. And one silent cry in the train for her to get over that. Once she got back home, she changed and threw herself into the gym and sweated her tears away.

No more crying over some men. No more crying over some relationship that was only in her head. She couldn't believe she did this again. She came here specifically to get away from it. Not get into the same delusion with another guy. There were no words to describe the anger directed at herself.

Making a resolve to herself, to forget about men and romance, she threw herself into work and exercise. There was no time to think when she had so many things to read, understand and cram into her head. Most days, she barely had enough energy to eat, much less think about Cameron.

But on the rare days when she had a free moment or Cameron was mentioned within earshot, her only recourse was the gym. Running and sweating until her legs were jelly and her mind was focused on putting one step in front of the other without falling. It was only then that she had a blissful night sleep.

With that, two months breezed past. She was slowly settling into her new role as an agent. Taking on more work with regards to Logan. Being more independent. Being more hands. Slowly, slowly, her mentor was letting her do her own things. Slowly, slowly, she was getting into a routine. Slowly, slowly getting over her delusion.

Until one day, she had to see him again.

"Tell me you're kidding,"she gaped at Matt after a meeting with him. This was part of a series of meetings where Matt was informed of her progress via her mentor. She was usually part of said meetings so they were quite comfortable with each other.

"This was your initial responsibility. I mean before getting wrapped up in training and the new job."

"Well, I am still wrapped up in learning about the job. And I have newer responsibilities now. I-I, I don't time for this." Hoping she gave the right impression, she tried her best to calm down her heart. Her heart which had begun beating fast the moment Cameron was mentioned.

Was it just her or did the room feel small? It was like it was closing in on her. Exiting the room wasn't enough. Feeling like all the air in the room wasn't enough, she wanted to leave. Escape from this conversation. This conversation involving Cameron and possibly his girlfriend.

His girlfriend.

Something she strived to forget.

Something that had been confirmed within a week without any news from him

The week where he had apparently moved out but hadn't informed her.

She couldn't believe how worried she had been. He hadn't called her or texted her. She'd thought he was dying in some alley in the city. She had been worried enough one day to repeatedly bug the only other football player she knew. But she shouldn't have had to bother because a picture came out mere hours later explained everything.

Pictured leaving Starbucks somewhere in New York, it was clear he was still alive. And obviously enjoying himself as he had his arm around the itty-bitty waist of a beautiful, gorgeous woman. He was dressed down, clad in a simple gray top and blue jean, but they didn't detract from his good looks. They just accentuated his rugged good looks and lean form.

The woman was a perfect contrast to him, clad in a top and jeans that looked like they were painted on her. Her curves were a perfect fit against his hard edges. And her face. Her face. Feeling like a bitch, Sharon wanted to nitpick everything but she couldn't. Her face was devoid of all makeup and it was far from flawless. But the blemishes and redness served to highlight her confidence in herself and Cameron.

Accidental Roommate (NEW)Where stories live. Discover now