The Curse of the Sun and the Moon

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Today has been miserable. Caroline is a vampire, Katherine is obviously not giving up her pursuit at ruining my brother and my life, I have nothing new on the Lockwoods, Bonnie tried to kill me, and to top it all off I had to watch Diana out on a date with Jeremy. The thought makes my stomach churn. What does she see in him? He's a lousy human being who is going nowhere. How could she be interested in him?

As I enter the living room I spot Diana, a dark figure sitting next to her. Narrowing my eyes, I walk towards the liquor table. "What the hell is he doing here?"

"You don't lock your front doors," the figure responds, leaning into the light a little. Of course it has to be him. Jeremy can't just leave well enough alone. It's bad enough having to see him with the women I love out in public. Did they really have to bring it back to the mansion?

I shrug, preparing to pour myself a drink. What would vampires have a need to lock the doors for? "Yeah."

"I wouldn't," Jeremy says quickly as I go to lift my glass of bourbon to my lips.

Diana stands up, circling around the couch before walking towards me, her hand curling around the crystal glass. As our fingers make contact, our eyes lock. Lust fills my body, but I remind myself that now is neither the time nor the place. Diana, despite being nice to me after the Bonnie incident, is still upset with me. "I caught him putting vervain in it."

As Diana drops her hand back to her side, I sniff the alcohol in my glass, scrunching up my nose as the vervain assaults my senses. Setting the glass down, I turn to Jeremy who is still seated on the couch, "And why would he do that?"

Jeremy holds up a crudely whittled stake, "So I could stake you with this. Diana convinced me not to."

As Diana moves to sit back on the couch, Jeremy tosses the stake away, looking defeated. His eyes shift between the blonde vampire and myself as he chews on his bottom lip. In an alternate universe, I might feel bad for the kid. Right now, I'm filled with rage. Where does he get off coming into my house, trying not only to steal Diana away, but also trying to kill me? This kid is skating on extremely thin ice.

"You came to kill me?"

"It's only fair," Jeremy shrugs, "You killed me first."

Shaking my head, I walk around the couch, picking up the stake off the ground and inspecting it. Jeremy did a shit job. I'm not even sure if this thing could have killed me. "Well, I guess I owe Diana a thank you."

"It wasn't all her," Jeremy announces, getting up off the couch as I take a seat next to Diana. "My father hated vampires, my uncle too. They were absolute. They knew exactly what they stood for."

Diana gets a wicked smile as she twists around to look at me. "You see, Damon, Jeremy isn't so sure."

"Look, I don't do the big brother thing very well. Sorry I don't have any milk and cookies to offer. You're better off venting to Diana or Stefan."

Jeremy rolls his eyes; pulling his hoodie further around him as he turns towards the door, "Prick."

Diana frowns at me, her hand making contact with the back of my head. Her green eyes scold me, letting me know that she isn't impressed by my behavior. In a desperate attempt to make the blonde see that I'm trying to make amends, I call out to Jeremy. "Wait. My father hated vampires too."

He did?" Jeremy questions, spinning back in the direction of the living room.

"Same reason your dad did. Came as a huge shock when Stefan made him his first meal. Only it was 1864 - " I twist Jeremy's homemade stake around in my hands once more " – people knew how to whittle."

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