Rescue Mission

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Caroline continues to fuss with her scarf, wrapping and unwrapping it around her neck as I lean against the doorframe. She's been dodging my questions all morning. Something happened last night with Tyler and the blonde is trying to keep part of the story hidden.

"So Sarah attacks Tyler and he pushes her away and she tripped, and she fell, and she hit her head," Caroline explains.

"Does Matt remember anything?" I question, twisting my daylight ring around my finger.

"He thinks he blacked out," Caroline answers walking across her room to the closet. "I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident."

Something about her story just isn't adding up. Tyler is the biggest douche in Caroline's class, her protecting him seems out of character. Letting him take the fall for Sarah's death would have given him exactly what was coming. "Yeah, I don't understand. The guys a tool."

Caroline looks over at me, rolling her eyes as she straightens ups, a shoe held in her hand, "Well, gee, duh. Tyler getting blamed for Sarah's death just opens up questions that he can't answer. Do you really think it's a good idea for him to tell his mom he's a werewolf?"

She's got me there, "Well, no."

"And that road leads straight to vamp boulevard. I thought I was thinking fast on my feet."

Blondie is smarter than I've given her credit for. Not wanting to congratulate Caroline on her ability to get us out of a sticky situation, I do what I do best, change the topic, "Where's your mom?"

"Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley. They haven't found her body yet," Caroline answers, looking herself over in the mirror again.

Letting out a sigh, I shake my head back and forth, feigning disappointment, "Oh, teens today and their underage drinking. Tragic. Wait. Did you see Tyler's eyes turn yellow?"

"More gold with amber highlights," Caroline says in a far away, dreamy voice. "Can he turn into a wolf now?"

"Only on a full moon," I explain. "He does have increased strength and who knows what else now. I wonder how much Mason told him. Does he know about us?" Caroline's eyes are downturned, her finger's flying over her phone screen. "Hey, what did you tell him?"

Caroline turns her head slightly, refusing to make eye contact, "Nothing really. I-I don't think he knows much of anything. He seemed really freaked out and honestly, I feel kinda bad for him."

So we're back to avoiding my questions. Pushing off from the doorframe I follow Caroline up the hallway towards her front door. "He's gotta know something."

"Alright," Caroline turns to look at me, her annoyance painted across her freshly made-up face. "I'll ask him."

Frustrated, I put myself in between Caroline and the door. I need her to understand how dangerous it could be if she tells Tyler too much. He's a werewolf now and he can kill us if he wants to. If blondie gets too involved in his life it could lead to disaster. Knowing if she's already told him anything is of the utmost importance. I'd rather get a jumpstart on damage control than have to play clean up crew. "No, you won't, Caroline. He cannot know about us. A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire. So, don't be his friend. Do you understand me?"

Fear flashes across Caroline's face as she nods, "I understand. I'm late for school."

"Right," I pat Caroline gently on the shoulder, my message clearly through to her. "If you want to drop the hint that Aimee's body is at the bottom of the ravine with a cracked spine, it might save your mom some time."

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