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"Isobel, she just showed up at their front doorstep," Stefan concludes yet another dramatic story of how we're slowly losing control of Mystic Falls. Since when do all these vampires think they can just waltz into our town uninvited and unchallenged?

Groaning, I flop down across the couch, accepting the drink Diana holds out to me, "What's she doing here?"

"I don't know," Stefan answers with a shrug. "That's what I'm gonna go find out."

Katherine slinks into the room, lounging against the doorframe. She's got a crooked smile, that mischievous glint in her eye caught by the sliver of sun filtering in through the curtains. "I don't think you should tell her I'm here."

"What? Why?" Stefan feigns confusion. We all know Katherine has made deals and since broken them. Her survival depends on as few people knowing she's still lurking around town as possible.

Katherine shrugs, playing it off as nothing more than a simple request, "It's better if she and John not know I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb."

"They worried you're gonna paint the town red with Elena's blood?" Diana, still not thrilled that Katherine's head remains firmly on her shoulders, questions. There's bad blood between the two that runs much further back than either would like to admit. Katherine turned her back on the friendship that Diana offered. The blonde has had a target on the brunette's back ever since.

"Something like that."

I wish Diana knew a spell that would sew Katherine's mouth shut. At least then we wouldn't be forced to bear her presence and her twisted view of reality. "You're the one in cahoots with them. You made a deal with John that almost got me killed."

"I did what I had to do to get out of the tomb," Katherine flutters her eyelashes at me, shoving her bottom lip out under the top. I'm so done falling for her 'I'm so innocent' puppy dog eyes shtick. "Now, I'm reconsidering my alliance."

"No." Diana cuts the doppelganger off before she can continue. There is a fire in Diana's pale green eyes, the veins under her eyes bubbling to the surface. The blonde vampire lets out a throaty growl.

For a few seconds, the room is silent, the breeze shoving the tree limbs from side to side the only noise that dares break the heavy silence. Then, Katherine stalks forward, chest to chest with Diana's rage. "What?"

"No. You made your bed. Go lie in it." Diana disappears out the front door, leaving the wooden barrier shaking on its hinges.

Stefan's eyes swing from the front entrance to Katherine, "What do you know?"

"I know that I want Klaus dead, which puts me squarely on team you." Katherine shrugs, returning to her seat as if the confrontation with my girlfriend never happened. "Besides, if you ever need me to swap places with Elena again, the fewer people who know that I'm here, the better. Think about it, Stefan." She twists around, running a freshly painted fingernail along my brother's jaw. "Come on." Stefan jerks away, hardening his features, eyes once again darting toward the front door. Katherine slumps down in the chair, arms crossed over her chest. "Be smart."

For a while, Stefan continues to stare at the front entrance of the house, as if hoping that if he looks long enough, wished hard enough, Diana will breeze back through it, offering her insight on the situation. My brother's teeth work at his bottom lip, peeling off layer after layer of skin. Finally, he turns to look at me. "Tell you what, Damon, uh, call Alaric and let him know that his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep."

"What are you going to do?" I question.

Stefan blinks back at me, "I'm going to go find Diana."

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