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Diana sits on the steps, watching Stefan and Elena talking quietly. The human is still rattled over Isobel's action in the graveyard. My brother is doing his best to calm her down. We all got played today. The holes in our defense that we all once thought were small, almost airtight, are gaping, letting gallons of water in by the minute. Today was lucky, tomorrow won't be. I can see in Diana's steady green eyes that she knows this. Something has to give.

Her plan will work as long as Elena plays along. Diana's career choice as a lawyer has come in handy countless times. As I sit down next to the blonde, she hands over a thick stack of papers. "Is this it?"

"Everything is there, all ready for her to sign," Diana lets out a sigh, her eyes wandering over the hallway as if she's trying to remember every detail.

I take hold of my girlfriend's hand, squeezing it gently. Her actions mirror my own worries. This place holds all of our fondest memories. The ability to continue making those will soon be in the hands of a volatile teenager. "She's gonna let you back in, Di. You've saved Stefan and her too many times for her to not."

"You and I both know that means nothing," Diana answers with a shrug. "Come on, let's just get this over with."

Together, Diana and I walk into the living room. Stefan and Elena stop talking as I hand the stack of papers over to my brother's girlfriend. Elena takes them, thumbing through the stack before looking back up at me. "What's this?"

"It's the deed to our house."

Stefan, who agreed that something more drastic needed to be done to protect Elena, explains, "It's in Zach's name. As soon as you sign it, it'll be in your name."

"I looked it all over," Diana continues as Elena tries to protest. This may be the only foolproof plan we've ever come up with. Sure, we may no longer be able to live here, but at least Elena will be safe. Right now, that's all that matters. "It's all correct. There's no loopholes, Elena, no way any vampire, not even Klaus, can get in here."

Elena opens and closes her mouth a few times, looking back to the papers. She looks over at Stefan, "You're giving me your house?"

"Isobel has the right idea with a safe house," Stefan says gently, understanding the mentioning of Elena's late mother is a touchy subject. "You'll just stay here till it's all over. That way, you can control who gets invited and who doesn't."

"Although, I'll be super pissed if you lock me out," I joke about the topic that has been weighing heavily on both my and Diana's minds. If she flat out says no at least we'll have our answer.

Before Elena can respond, John, still dead in our entryway, groans. Flying across the room, I lift the man up by his throat, letting his feet dangle out below him. John's beady eyes grow wide; sweat already pooling on his forehead as he fights for breath. "I swear I had no idea what she was gonna do. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Damon," Elena places her hand on my arm, giving me as stern a look as she can muster, "Let him go. He and I need to talk."

Dropping John, Stefan, Diana, and I exit to the front porch. It isn't until the sun starts to sink over the side of the house that John leaves. "Diana, Elena would like to see you inside."

As Diana opens the front door, Bonnie arrives. The two girls disappear inside, shutting the door tightly behind them. Stefan and I sit on opposite sides of the porch. Even if I wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation inside, I'm barred. Stupid Bonnie and her stupid witch spells.

"Do you really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?"

It takes Stefan a second to realize I'm talking to him. My brother looks up, resting his chin on his fist, "She said she could channel enough witches' power to kill him. Elijah thought that would work and he was an Original, so..." He trails off with a shrug.

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