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My skin vibrates with electricity. The edges of the objects around me appear sharper, the smells filling the house coming in stronger than ever. Under my touch, Diana's skin feels like satin. I continue to run my fingers up and down her exposed arm as Ric hands over a glass full of bourbon. "Well, today was a bust."

"Yeah, how's the throat?" Alaric settles into an armchair across from me.

Shrugging, I pull Diana closer to my chest, running my fingers through her hair, enjoying the smell of vanilla that fills my nose, "Sore though the blood has helped. Vampire, witch hybrid blood—mmm—makes the normal stuff taste like dog crap."

"Yeah, that Elijah's one scary dude," Ric agrees, sinking further into the armchair as he finishes his drink. "But with nice hair."

So far all we know is that a normal stake can't kill him. With only the dagger and ash as a lead, we need to tread carefully. So far, Diana seems to have some control of the situation. If we do something stupid we could lose that upper hand. "He's going to be hard to kill," I agree.

"Yeah, I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job." At least all of us seem to be on the same page. We need to come up with a solid game plan before moving forward. "We're gonna need more info."

Diana twists around, capturing my hand in hers as I continue my conversation with Ric over her arm, "I'm all out of sources and John won't give me anything unless I send Diana packing."

"Which we all agree is a bad idea," Diana cuts in, nuzzling my neck with her nose.

Alaric nods, "You're the only one who has a direct connect to Klaus, who we'll eventually need to talk to." The teacher gets up, setting his glass down on the side table. "I have to pick up Jenna."

I mumble a response as Diana's fingers begin to trace the veins in my arm, her lips working against my jaw. The exchange of blood seems to create this extra charge. I've always loved her, but now I feel like my whole being is tied to her. The constant contact and the sparkle in her eyes when she looks at me let me know Diana is feeling the same. We're closer now than ever before. I'm comfortable and confident in what we have. She's not running, not this time, and if she does, I'm going with her.

"I love you," Diana smiles into our kiss.

Our lips move together, "Forever and a day."

"And a day," Diana smiles back. As she goes in to kiss me again, a crash in the hallway pulls her attention.

Taking hold of Diana's hand, I lead her from the living room towards the front door. As we get to the entryway, Ric turns. His eyes are wide, the color drained from his face. He clutches at his stomach, blood seeping through the fabric of his shirt, staining his fingers red. Ric's face twists in pain before he hits the floor. Behind him, one of the werewolves from Jules' pack snarls. He charges forward. Diana stands her ground, reaching forward, plunging her fingers into the neck of the werewolf. Before we're able to get our bearings, a sharp pain takes over my shoulder. Spinning, I see another one of the pack.

Charging forward, I knock him to the ground. The wolf snarls, coming for me again. As another round of pain shoots through my chest, I turn to Diana, "Run. Don't let them get you too."

"Damon," the blonde protests once again knocking my attacker to the ground.

As the man stands, lunging at Diana, I slide between them, taking another dose of whatever is in the syringe. "Now!"

The edges of my vision start to blur, knees growing weak. Letting out a groan I hit the carpeted floor, more pain bubbling in my shoulder. I take a shaky breath, forcing myself to stay conscious long enough to see if Diana gets away. Everything will be okay as long as she's safe. I can get through whatever is about to happen if I know she's alive and well.

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