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Diana sings along to the radio as we drive home, her hands held up over her head. It's refreshing to see her letting loose. This afternoon felt right like we're finally back on the right track. I'm filled with a new energy, body buzzing from the exchange of blood. Diana's little trick with her magic intrigues me. I already want more, to feel that kind of power coursing through my veins.

"Hey," Diana reaches over, grabbing my hand as we pull into the garage. "No matter what happens in there, we've got this. Together."

Leaning over, I press my lips to the vampire's forehead, "Together."

The second I push the door open I can tell that something isn't right. There are no noises, the house eerily quiet. To my left, a floorboard creaks, Elena throwing herself around the corner, a table leg held out in front of her. Upon seeing Diana and I she lowers is, eyes shifting around the room. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Elena answers, placing the wooden leg down on the ground.

That was a lie. Sighing, I grab hold of Diana's hand, "Where's Rose?"

"I don't know," Elena admits with a frown.

Seriously? Diana and I leave for a few hours and everything goes to shit. How hard is it to keep an eye on a sick vampire? Before I can voice any of these questions, my phone begins to chime. "Hello."

"Damon," Liz's voice is rushed, dripping with panic. I guess we found Rose. "There's been an attack at the high school barbeque."

"We'll be right there," I end the call, turning to look at Diana. "We have a situation. Rose is out terrorizing the town."

Diana frowns, her stony expression settling on Elena. We should have known better than to think that things would still be relatively normal when we returned. "Let's go."

The three of us pile into my car, heading to the high school. Diana is the first out of the car, heading straight for the sheriff. She's worried about this whole thing. Mystic Falls is our home. Having another outbreak of vampire hysteria would make it less than ideal for our living situation. "Liz."

"I'm sorry I called," Liz responds, stepping away from the other police to talk with us.

Shaking my head, I send Elena off with her friends. The fewer people that Liz thinks know about vampires the better. I don't want to have to erase her memories a second time. "No, it's fine. We were in the area. What happened?"

"A vampire," Liz admits with a frown. "Luckily, one of my deputies discovered the body before anyone else saw him."

Nodding, I glance over at all of the people gathered around for the Mystic Falls High School barbeque. This is like a walking buffet for a hungry vampire; "You have to secure the area, then."

Liz turns back to the other officers, "Don't cause panic, but let's move this party into the cafeteria." Once the police move off the Sheriff returns her attention to Diana and me, "I'll take the east side of the school. You two go west."

"Sure," I nod, taking hold of Diana's hand, the two of us heading off in the opposite direction of Liz.

As we walk, I spot Elena, leaning against a car with some of her friends. Upon seeing us, she walks over, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head letting her know that she's not going to be involving herself in this. It's safer for her to be in the cafeteria with the rest of the school. "Hey. Have you heard from Stefan? Do you know what he's up to?"

Seriously? Diana and I are trying to save the town from a rabid vampire and all Elena can think about is what Stefan is up to. Trying to contain my frustration, I shrug, "Baby brother's not exactly my priority right now."

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