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The pieces in the game I've entered into are moving at a painfully slow pace. As much fun as I'm having chasing after our queen, I'm quite ready for her demise. John Gilbert being here has put me on edge. He wasn't supposed to be part of this. He knows too much already and has started to feed Damon silvers of doubt. Trying to take Jeremy away from me was petty at best, but I'm not sure how many hits Damon and I can take. The blue-eyed vampire has already begun to question my decisions. Perhaps killing Andie last night was stepping over the line, but if I had to listen to another second of her rambling I was going to drown myself in the bath water. Really her death came down to a decision between my life and hers and well, my life means so much more in the grand scheme of things.

"Jenna says you invited her newscaster friend over last night," Alaric's accusation peaks my attention.

Damon groans, "I'm not in the mood to talk about her."

"What happened?"

Sliding up behind my boyfriend, I wrap my arms around his chest, pressing my lips to his neck before smiling over at Alaric, "Let's just hope Jenna wasn't too attached to her."

I miss the look that Alaric and Damon exchange as we move into the living room. On the coffee table lies the dagger and ash that John dropped off last night. Damon picks up the weapon, giving it a once-over before casting it aside. "So John gave me this to kill Elijah. Wouldn't tell me how it works unless I agreed to blacklist Diana, which is never gonna happen." My boyfriend draws me closer to him, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck before kissing my cheek. "I think it seems pretty self-explanatory though. The powder must be from the tree Diana was talking about, I'm assuming the dagger works much like a normal stake. I just can't figure out if the dagger goes in the powder or if you have to throw it at them or what."

"You two think it's a setup?" Alaric picks up the dagger, turning it over in his hands. Klaus should have burnt it down when he was given the chance. His anger at the others in his family has clouded his judgment.

Damon shrugs, "Could be. Guys a weasel."

"As far as I know, Klaus ensured all of those trees were completely destroyed. It seems weird that the ashes of one would have just happened to fall into the hands of Jonathan Gilbert and Isobel." Unless the remaining members of the Original family have gotten sloppy, or one of them decided to join forces with the enemy, that ash shouldn't be in John's possession.

My words seem to be the final say on the matter. Damon relaxes into the couch, "What are you up to today, Mr. Saltzman?"

"Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow we both got roped into doing this historical society thing at the Lockwoods," Ric rolls his eyes at the trivial task. Life in Mystic Falls never changes. The people here are too obsessed with continuing to dredge up the history. Can't anyone just let the past die?

Damon perks up, "Where Elijah's the guest of honor."

"Tell me you're not going to kill him at the tea party."

I give the teacher a smirk; "We're not going to kill him at the tea party."

"Come on, Ric, that would be stupid," Damon rolls his eyes.

Despite these encouraging words from my boyfriend, Alaric doesn't look convinced. He knows that despite my love for Damon, the vampire can't control me. If I wanted to, I could rip Elijah's head off in front of everyone in town and not care. Mr. Saltzman doesn't get enough credit. He's a very smart man, observant too. If he's not careful it might be his undoing.

"I want to know his endgame before I kill him," Damon continues on, working to persuade the teacher that he doesn't need to babysit us today. "I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." My boyfriend turns to me, tugging at his bottom lip as his ocean blue eyes drink me in. "You still have one of those sexy little cocktail dresses lying around? I'm gonna need a date."

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