Decade Dance

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Diana piles her curls together, tying them up with a clear hair tie. She wears a bright green dress, the sleeves falling at her elbows. Big plastic earrings bounce as she fusses with her makeup.

"You are the only women I have ever met to be able to pull off the hideous fashion that was the sixties," walking up behind Diana, I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her to my chest.

Diana twists around, securing her arms behind my neck, "I see you have elected to not dress up."

"Black has always been in fashion and this way our colors don't clash."

My girlfriend grins, unbuttoning the top two buttons on my shirt, "There, now you're in fashion."

"You're just trying to make it easier to take my clothes off later," I wink at Diana, tugging at her bright pink bottom lip.

The vampire giggles, "You always know my ulterior motives, Mr. Salvatore." The smile fades from her face, worry sinking into her soft green eyes. "Can we do this, Damon?"

"Did you talk to Bonnie?" So much of tonight's plan rests on if Bon-Bon is willing to put her trust in Diana. While the witch may believe she is strong enough to take down any vampire that stands in her way, we need to be sure. Diana is our foolproof plan. As long as Bonnie and she are linked, nothing can go wrong. I don't like her putting her life on the line, but this is what Diana thinks is right. Who am I to tell her she can't do this?

Diana nods, "Yeah. She's on board. Our spell worked as she's spent the last hour stabbing herself with a whole assortment of things. She's even tried to drown herself. I feel it all and she comes out unscathed."

"And you're sure that was him today?" I've still not been able to wrap my head around Diana's story. I've not had all that may dealings with witches in my time, but to transport one's soul into another.... Despite my questions, Diana's story remains the same. Klaus was here today, masquerading as Alaric.

Once again, my girlfriend nods, "Those were his eyes, his face I saw when our legs brushed. The only way we can get the element of surprise back is if Bonnie does this. He can't know we know, though. You have to act casual."

"I am the king of causal." I offer my hand to the blonde vampire. With her by my side I can get through anything, "Let's get to it."

Music pumps through speakers set up along the stage in the gym. Projectors splash colorful flowers and smiley faces across the walls. Streamers and balloons hang from the ceiling, twisting on their thin plastic strings like they're dancing along to the shit rap music.

We stand in the doorway as a slender redhead walks up to the microphone situated at the front of the gym stage. The music cuts out. "Thanks for being here everybody." The high schoolers cheer, some throwing their fists into the air. "We have a special shout-out tonight. This is for Elena from Klaus."

The music comes back on. The rap has been replaced by a smooth voice. The teenagers look around confused, trying to figure out how to dance to this.

"It's just a lame cheap shot," I direct towards Elena as the song continues to play. She's visibly nervous, big brown eyes darting around the gym as she searches for anyone that looks out of place. "He's just trying to bait us."

Elena shakes her head, leaning into Stefan, "I know everyone here."

"If he's not here, he just wants us to believe he is," Stefan responds, squeezing his girlfriend's hand.

People slip past us, spilling out onto the dance floor. The song switches and the crowd cheers, bodies bumping against each other. We all stick out. Everyone in our group is stiff, uncomfortable. If we keep going like this Klaus is going to know we're on to him. The only way we get through tonight is to pretend like everything is totally fine. "It's a party, people. Blend."

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