Six: Clean

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I begrudgingly left the bath, but savored the feel of the fresh linens on my body. I combed and braided my hair, ensuring my ears were hidden once again. I couldn't find a drain to the tub. Did they even drain a tub this big or did everyone take a turn bathing first? I gathered my travel stained clothes and poked my head out the door.

Something smelled amazing. Stew gurgled from the kettle on the fire. Eberon was seasoning it while Thain and Schula sat at the table in hushed conversation. Thain turned his head to me, right before the other two did. A fresh bruise blossomed over his eye, barely darker than his skin but definitely swollen.

"Your eye, what happened?" I asked.

"Oh," Thain touched it, a small smile across his lips. "That was for going against a direct order from our king. Nothing to worry about, Eberon got his in the yard."

My eyes shot to Schula who's mouth twitched at the corners, pleased. "Thain knew full well what he was doing, and it's my job to keep us on task."Eberon rolled his eyes and grabbed a handful of dried green sprigs from a bowl.

"Was everything satisfactory?" Thain threw a half smile at me, pulling my gaze from the beautiful fae.

"Very." I admitted. "Um, but the bath water..."

Realization clicked in Schula's eyes and she sauntered over to me. Taking me back inside the bathing room she showed me where the hot running water was turned on and off. A pipe that was nearly disguised by the grain of the tub. Under that spigot she showed me how to drain the whole thing if the water was dirty. She told me to leave it though, she needed a bath right now and she shooed me out.

I padded up the stairs and tucked my old clothes in the room I would be using. I shoved my boots back on and listened for the others. I could hear them murmuring through the door. I thought about staying in the room until dinner was called, but if I was going to make an effort to get to know the fae, I might as well start now. Taking a deep breath, I crept out my door and downstairs to join them.

"You look refreshed, little bird." Eberon smiled. "I can just picture you in the fashions of Thanantholl. We should take you straight to Pearl street when we get there, I know all of the best tailors."

"She can do what she wants." Thain growled. I took a seat at the table as the golden fae still stirred dinner over the fire.

"Of course, of course." He sang. "But can you blame me for wanting to show her the best our city has to offer?"

"Um," I spoke up, both of them looked at me with those wild eyes. "Exactly how much does lodging cost in the city? I have a little savings, and I can work after that."

"Nonsense." Eberon dismissed my words with a wave of his hand. "You are a guest and it would not put any of us out one bit to host you. Your radiance is payment enough."

My radiance? Was he serious?

"If the King himself doesn't offer her hospitality the moment he sees her, she is under my protection." Thain snapped. "I've got more than enough empty rooms for her to choose from. I don't trust you alone with any females, let alone one who doesn't know our ways yet."

"Easy, Thain," Eberon hissed, the air in the room growing warm. "You do her no favors keeping her hidden from the court. I at least could prepare her for that."

Thain stared daggers at Eberon. A breeze ruffled through the room, flickering the cook fire.

"Enough." The door to the bath slammed open. A dripping wet Schula wearing only a thin white tunic with no pants stalked across the floor and took a seat. I flushed and whirled away from her naked legs, thanking the gods that her tunic was at least long enough to cover her privates. It shocked me to see that neither of the males seemed to notice anything other than their own simmering feud. Eberon had the decency to turn back to his task, though Thain still looked ready to punch him.

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