Fifteen: Royalty

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Fae of every color lined the room from the floor level. Whispers spread like wildfire from lips to ears. Many of the fae were dressed much like Schula and I, which eased my tension, but others were in wild outfits like something from a strange dream. Tapestries dotted the walls and chandeliers sparkled overhead like stars. But nothing I saw in the room commanded more attention, than the fae sitting on the ancient throne.

Blonde, tan skin, tall and muscled. He looked to be forty or so by human years. How old a fae had to be to look like that, when Thain still looked barely twenty five, sent my head spinning. The presence of him shifted the air around him, a golden light of power so strong that I had to leash my terror. I had thought Thain was the most powerful fae I would ever encounter. Thain was still a child to this male. He wore red and orange brocade with golden maple leaves embroidered all over. His crown was a golden laurel, and a ruby in the shape of a maple leaf shone on his ring finger. An obsidian band sat on each thumb.

Thain, Eberon and Schula stepped forward and stopped in front of the lower dais. Thain gave me a look that had me join them, and together we bowed. I took the opportunity to wipe my palms on my tunic.

"Thank you for meeting with us, Sire." Eberon spoke low, but loud enough for the nearby fae to hear.

"If your story rings true, it will be me who owes thanks." His blue eyes flickered to me, then back to Eberon. "Come, come sit over here and let's have a chat."

Thain gently touched my arm and led me to the lower dais where four chairs had been prepared. We each took a seat and I was more than aware of the crowded room, all eyes on me. A pressure of air between the powerful throne and the room of wylde creatures pinned my heart to a stop.

"Is all well, young one?" The king asked.

"Pardon Majesty, I believe the issue here is the crowded room." Eberon inclined his head towards me as he addressed Baeleon. "She grew up among very few people and she doesn't seem to handle a crowd yet."

"That, I can do something about." The king clapped once, and an orchestra that I hadn't noticed in the back corner began to play a light tune. It was merry, and fluttered high and low like leaves on the wind. The courtiers dropped their eyes from me, and began dancing. Servants with gold trays burst from the small service doors and brought delicacies and drinks around the room, starting with the King of course.

"There! Now, I have as many questions for you, as I suspect you have for me." Baeleon smiled, dimples warming his face. He seemed more than likable, for a fae who could probably level the palace on a whim. But there was still a hard edge in his eyes that kept me at the edge of my seat, ready to flee. A primal instinct I'm sure. You probably didn't keep a fae throne this long by being soft.

"What would you like to know, Sire?" I tried to copy Eberon's words and movements and he gave me an encouraging smile.

"Lord Eberon, the fiend, wouldn't tell me much." The king leaned back and crossed his outstretched ankles. "I'm told they found you in the mountains south of the Wyldes, but that's about it."

"Yes, I lived between a few small villages and homesteads. I was raised by a woodcutter named Bryn. We lived in a cabin he built himself, and cut and dried lumber for coin." A pang shot my heart. The sting was dulling with time, but it was still there.

"And you've never seen a fae, or anything else of the Wyldes before now?" The king asked.

"No, Sire. Thain was the first. The people of the mountains still have stories of the fae, but I never expected to see one in my lifetime." I folded my hands in my lap and blushed as Baeleon laughed heartily.

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