Forty Six: Finding Schula

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"Are you ready?" Thain asked.

I nodded. We were hunched behind a large outcropping of rock, down wind and a good minute of running to the steps that climbed down to the Icehold gates.

"Let's go get her," I said.

Stepping out from behind the rocks, I carried a large basket with jars of sap that we had spent the better part of the previous day collecting. It was no small feat in the midst of winter. I kept my face turned down, watching so as to not spill anything and conveniently hiding my face from anyone who might recognize me. Not that many had seen me, but just in case.

I walked carefully in the snow, my new short and tight-fitted boots were a bit too short for my feet and the matching white and blue servant's dress was uncomfortable and exposing. A small pouch hung from my neck, a common token from what I was told, but this one held a mix of magic and spices to conceal my scents which would surely arouse suspicion.

Thain would remain a good distance behind me and sneak in another way when he could. He was too recognizable to disguise and one lone servant would more easily be allowed inside without question than two of us. Besides, splitting up would double our chances that at least one of us gets to Schula.

I steeled my nerves as I approached the set of males guarding the entrance to the steps.

"State your business," one of them grunted.

"Supplies for the bowyers," I mumbled, trying to add a tremble to my hands. I remembered the skittish and shy nature of the lower class as I had first passed through Icehold and tried to mimic it.

The shorter fae leaned in to glance through the jars for a moment, then waved me through without another word.

I thought my heart was going to burst through my skin waiting to be let through or discovered, but I managed to hold myself together as I began my walk down the long carved staircase.

The gate at the bottom was no different, to my relief. Once I was waived through, I found a secluded tunnel which would lead me to the servants' halls.

I pulled out a scrap of parchment that I had written notes and a rough map on. Nassir, being the one who helped design much of the layout as it stood now, was able to give me quite a bit of useful information. I'm sure much has been added on over the years, but the base of the plans should still get me where I needed to go.

Nassir was frustrated that he couldn't come, but agreed it was for the best. I frowned at the thought of him putting himself in harm's way. He had already been trying for days to reach out and find any family he may have left, but his connections weren't as strong now and he hadn't gotten anywhere.

I looked at my map and ensured I was on the right path, then hid it once more and walked with purpose down the corridor. Thain had told me if I walked as though I belonged there, no one would question me. I had passed very few other creatures so far, but as of yet it was working.

My rapid footsteps matched my heartbeat as I raced as quickly as wasn't suspicious for a busy servant. An itch of urgency like the one I had as we left settled in the back of my mind. I had the feeling that I wanted something from inside Icehold, I just didn't know what.

I kept a good pace, occasionally double checking my map. There were indeed new halls and rooms carved that weren't included in Nassir's descriptions, but thankfully nothing that he expected to be there was missing or boarded up or anything and I was able to go swiftly to my designated meeting place.

I reached a carving of a beautiful fox sleeping in the flowers and smiled at Nassir's handiwork. Then I ducked into the doorway beside it. The old washing room looked like it had gotten little use in recent years. There was dust abound and the lone wooden stool that remained was rotting from age.

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