Forty Eight: A Bond

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Krissaph blew a kiss at me and Schula before turning to pull something from a basket by the door. She slipped one of those body-length veil things on over herself like the Winter nobility wore, and held it in place with a delicate silver headband. But while the outfits I had seen like this before seemed to be in competition with each other to wear as little as possible under the veil, Krissaph won by a landslide by not wearing a stitch of clothing at all. Her ensemble was topped off by an ornate lace masquerade mask, presumably for the ball.

"I don't understand," Schula said skeptically. "Why are you helping?"

Krissaph shot her a cheeky grin as she answered. "Despite whatever animosity we have between us, I like Wren. Or rather, I like her more than I dislike you. When her little birdie came calling with a note promising to stir up the Winter solstice, well, of course I had to come be a part of the mischief. By the way, Wren, love the new look. Haven't seen your kind in centuries, I'll bet there is a delicious story there."

It was an uncomfortable reminder of what I was going to have to deal with from now on, assuming I got out of Icehold alive.

Schula looked to me, holding my hand a fraction tighter and biting her lower lip. Her eyes roamed over me, taking in my new shape. I knew she had seen me when she unleashed the witch seal from my back, she knew what I was, but she hadn't seen me after my ears grew and my body took on a few more subtle changes.

She looked more unsure than I had ever seen her, and I hated it. Schula was the strongest female I knew, but I would have to be the one to step up and get us through this. She was on rocky ground and had just gone through so much, it was my turn to be the strong one.

"Krissaph, we need to get out of here. Do you know if there is a safe way to do that?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm certain there isn't," she giggled. "But if you mean to avoid the ballroom I can point you in the right direction."

I sighed in relief. "Great."

"Although..." She tapped her chin and looked up toward the ceiling in thought. "There are all those soldiers roaming around looking for you."

I looked over at Schula, who still wore nothing but my padded training jacket. The cuts and bruises stood out stark on her skin, though they were healing now that she was off that tower and out of the elements. And I was half dressed as a servant and half as a warrior. There was no way we were going to walk down the hall un-accosted.

"Schula," I muttered. "Do you remember how to get out of here?"

She shook her head. "It's been a long time, and a few things seem to have changed since then."

I nodded and squeezed her hand, then turned to the succubus. "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Well, I plan on going to the ball," she said. "I'm certain it's going the be the best place to view the aftermath of your escape."

I could feel Schula's annoyance through our newly formed connection.

"Well we need a way out and we need it fast," I sighed. I looked around the room. There wasn't any more clothing or veils in Krissaph's basket, and there wasn't anything else in the room to wear unless we wanted to steal the bedding.

"The kitchen," Schula whispered. "I, I don't know if they will remember or..."

I let her stop to think without interruption. I stroked her hair and she leaned into my hand. "Take your time."

Schula nodded and raised her icy eyes to my brown ones. The proud point of her chin was maybe not quite what it usually was, but she was getting back to herself. I clenched my jaw, thinking of the ordeal she just went through, the one she was still going through, and I vowed to myself to never let it happen again.

Half Wylde | Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ