Thirteen: Dress to Impress

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White linen draped over every window and chair, stark against the dark wood of the building. Tree branches sprouted from the floor, and on them hung a displays of fabrics. Between the branches stood wooden dress forms. They were clothed in what must be the Autumn court fashions.

Just like Schula wore, there were many loose tunics that tied at the sides. Tight leggings that extended all the way to the ankle were displayed too, either buttoning or lacing against the leg. I looked down at my breeches. They stopped at the top of my calf, then I put on my tall wool stockings and the boots that came to my knees. Schula's boots were shorter. So were Thain's.

"Welcome. What brings you to my humble shop, Master Thain and company?" A tall fae with the nose of a deer and small budding antlers glided over to us. Her nose twitched, like an animal scenting the air around her.

"We're here for this one." Schula pulled me forward. "How soon could we have something ready to meet Baeleon? Nothing too formal, but we need it today."

The tailor's eyes narrowed to me. She seemed to be measuring me with her eyes. "I have many pieces that would fit her with little altering. Yes... I think I have options for you dear. MARIBELL!"A short, panicked fae with black down-feather hair rushed from behind a table of fabric in the back of the store.

"Yes mistress." She halted by the doe female's side.

"Settle this party in the large room. Oh, and bring me the smaller sized collection we recently finished."

"Which pieces ma'am?" The small fae squeaked at the sharp look from her mistress. "Right yes, the new collection. All of it. Right away. Please follow me."

"Hello, Maribell." Schula smiled at the assistant. "Do you remember me?"

"Of course Miss Schula." The petite tailor smiled once we were out of sight of her mistress. "You go through tunics like a growing young male. I'm glad to see you well."

"She is rough on clothes, isn't she?" Thain added, earning an icy glare.Maribell did what she could to contain her smirk, but it still slipped through the cracks. I liked her immediately.

"Here is the large room. Can I send in anything while I gather your clothes? Tea perhaps?" Maribel beamed up at Schula.

"No thank you." She said. "Good luck with Mistress Willow."

Maribell nodded and scurried away. Thain, Schula and I took a seat on the white chairs in the room. A section in the corner provided a spacious changing area behind a portable wall. Several mirrors hung at angles against one wall.

"The tailor seems... harsh." I mumbled.

"Mistress Rhisa has always been that way. But she makes the most comfortable things." Schula smoothed her tunic with a hand. "Maribell at least makes a very good wage here, even if she isn't treated well. Don't worry about Maribell, she could open up her own shop at any time, but she chooses to stay here to learn from the best."

"Are the shop workers here different kinds of fae from you two?" I asked.

"Yes." Answered Thain. "Well, we're all fae creatures. Eberon, Schula and I are technically what you would call high fae. It's taken centuries to get us all away from each other's throats. Now it's considered in bad taste to point out who is one kind of fae and who isn't."

"Not that it doesn't happen anyway." Schula snorted.

I wasn't given much time to think about the social structure of the fae races before Maribell burst back into the room with armfuls of clothing. She shifted her stack around until her hands were free enough to clap twice. My jaw dropped as branches sprouted from the walls and Maribell began hanging clothing up to see. Three times she made the trip and brought clothing to us. On her last trip in she was followed by the doe female.

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