Nineteen: Eberon's Home

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Schula took us down the winding lanes of the city as a misty fog rolled through it. The smell of damp leaves filled the air, and smoke from chimneys drifted overhead. Schula had lent me a light coat, and told me it was the heaviest piece of clothing anyone could need in the Autumn lands. I smiled into it. It smelled like her. Like standing on the top of a mountain, fresh snow and crisp air as far as you can see, and nothing else. It was a wonder to live where I would never be hot in the summer, or freeze with the snows. Schula told me it rarely even frosted here, and the bounty of food that I fought to hoard at my cabin home for winter grew bountifully here every day.

A twisting bridge of oak tree roots carried us to a long street of town homes. Puko was content to stay on my shoulder as long as I kept feeding him the crumbs Mama Flori gave us. His weight was a comfort. Schula's presence was a comfort. Hopefully, seeing Eberon would be a comfort.

"Eberon lives on this street?" I asked.

"His family does." The white fae said. "They are... and interesting bunch. But loyal to Baeleon since the beginning. I think you'll learn a lot about Eb, just by seeing how he lives."

"Will he be mad at me too?" I wondered out loud.

"No, not Eb." She held the warm loaf of cinnamon bread close to her. "You'll see."

The street wound around homes and yards. Fae of all kinds hurried about on business of their own. I was still trying to understand the buildings of Thanantholl, but from what I could see these were homes for the rich.

Around the bend, under an ancient chestnut tree, sat a fat house with dozens of windows and a garden of orchids. Schula took us through the front gate and up to a bold red door.

"Puko, you might not like it here." I told him. "Lots of people, and we're out of breadcrumbs."He ruffled his feathers indignantly and took off. Schula knocked on the door, only to have it swing open as she was doing it.

"There you are, I was about to come drag you out of bed." Eberon huffed. "Wren, it's nice to see you. Come in, don't mind the parlor, Mother is planning another party and her friends are all helping."

"You come pull me out of bed and I'll freeze over your perfect hair." Schula stuck her nose in the air and followed him inside.

"Clever." He said flatly. "We can use the study, follow me." The inside of the house was much like Thain's. The walls were covered in portraits, plush rugs coated the floors, and none of the walls were flat. Everything held an organic shape, matching the curve of trees outside. Tables in the hallway, hearth in the parlor, even the paintings on the walls were made to go around curves.

Eberon took us a little ways into his home and down a hall. I saw the gaggle of females fussing in the parlor, and was glad we were bypassing them. I picked out Eberon's mother right away. Tall and golden, shining brightly over the others. Her hair was nearly alive with fire and she wore golden cuffs on her delicately pointed ears. Another beauty in a land of wonder. I touched my own ears and sighed.

The study Eberon took us to was small, compared to the rest of the house, but still more than enough room for the three of us. A desk sat under a large window, and Eberon sat behind it. There were armchairs for Schula and me to sit in. The walls held shelves, and somehow more portraits.

"Alright, I suppose you have things to say." Eberon looked at Schula.

"I do. You need to help him control his temper, or find releases for it." Schula scowled. "He's your damned triquetram, act like it."

"That's between me and Thain." Eberon sniffed. "

"You brought me into it when you invited me to be your third." Schula hissed, baring her teeth. "And you brought Wren into this when she was made to feel attacked in what should have been her home."

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