Twenty Three: A Picnic

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Something felt off when I woke up. I opened my eyes to a simple room of greens and yellows. My bed was warm, I had a water pitcher and towel, my things were set on a chair, and in the mirror on the wall I could see my reflection. Nothing was wrong, and yet something was off.

"Puko!" I shot up in bed, my head swirling from last night's wine. I hadn't seen Puko since we entered the city. He always came and went as he pleased, but he did have a tendency to wake me up. Maybe he didn't like the Spring lands, maybe he couldn't get to me inside the palace. I didn't like it, but I decided to give him a couple days and see if I could find him outside.

I reached up to touch my hair, and decided I needed a bath. I began gathering my things when a soft knock at my door startled me.

"Yes?" I shoved my fresh underthings into the towel in my arms.

"It's me." Schula's voice came through the door. "Are you going to take a bath? I was thinking about going soon."

I opened the door to find her with an armful of clothes and a comb in her other hand. "I was about to go myself."

"Shall we then?" She grinned at my armload, and offered me to take her arm like the males in the Spring court did. I giggled and took her offer, lacing my arm through hers.

"Should we tell Eberon where we're going?" I asked as we passed through the common room.

"I already told him I was going, I'm sure he'll figure it out." We closed the door softly behind us and turned towards the main corridor. Schula took us to the lion fountain and turned two lefts towards the baths. Few other bleary-eyed fae were up, and when we reached the baths they were nearly empty.

Hot pools of water steamed and fogged the room. Ivy grew everywhere, but the ceiling was made of glass and sunshine lit up the room so it wouldn't be dark. The sky was bright and cloudless overhead.

"I can't believe how addicted to a hot bath I've become." I tossed my clothes in a basket by the wall and rushed for the water.

"I can't believe you took cold baths before now." Schula took more time folding her clothes, but she soon joined me in the water. She sank in, melting off her glamour and returning to the icy white fae I knew.

"So, you spent the afternoon with Caldon." Schula relaxed against the edge of the pool, but kept a wide grin on her face.

"You told me to!" I sank down low as my face reddened. I didn't want to be talking about Caldon when I was naked in the bath.

"So what do you think of him?" She prodded.

"Well...he's the most energetic fae I've ever met." No lie there. "He's very thoughtful, and has a silver tongue. I, I don't know what to make of him."

"Caldon likes what he does here for Diamid. He's charming, and he genuinely worships the females he courts." She turned to me. "I don't know what it's like to go through what you've been through, but I'll wager you haven't been sought after by many men."

"No." I sank a little lower. "Who want's to be with a half fae?"

"Well, I think Caldon does." Schula scooted closer to me on the bench. "I'm not telling you what to do, or what you should be ready for. Maybe you don't like males, maybe you don't feel ready, but if you do, I'm telling you that Caldon is good. He won't treat you wrong, and he won't make you do anything you don't want to do. Just don't expect anything permanent from him."

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