Twenty Four: Interesting

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I walked absently to the entryway, still feeling the king's eyes on my back. I had Puko clamped in my arms, willing him to be quiet for once in his life until we were away from the picnic and around the corner.

"Shh," I whispered to Puko absently, shifting my eyes back and forth and watching for Diamid to pop out and grab me. But he never did.

In my distress to get away from the prying eyes of the hilltop, I must have turned a wrong corner, because nothing looked familiar.

I took a calming breath, and turned the way I came. Surely I would be able to see the fountain soon, I hadn't passed it but a moment ago.

But I never found the fountain. I walked in circles, panic growing as the hallways around me seemed to move and change, despite not walking very far at all. The ivy covered walls were alive and rustling with a breeze that came from everywhere and nowhere all at once.

I decided to pick a hallway and stick with it, for better or worse, until I found someone who might be able to help me. I took the brightest, widest one in hopes that I would find a Spring fae. The hallway wound and curved, but remained bright. I was hopeful as more sun began to peek through the greenery overhead, widening into a possibly more frequently traveled hall. 

Instead, I rounded a corner and almost bumped into a familiar face. One that I was in no condition to handle at that moment.

I snapped my eyes off the corridor around me and onto a set of milky white eyes. Her skin was a pleasant pink, her short black hair was still cropped close to her head and now that I saw her up close I could see small horns protruding from her temples.

Lady Krissaph inhaled deeply through her nose and smiled. She ran her tongue over her sharp fangs and grinned. She wore a thin gold dress with a neckline that dropped to her naval and a slit on the side of each leg that rose above her hips. All in all, I could see nearly as much now as I could when I met her in the bath at the Autumn Palace.

"Wren. Imagine bumping in to you here," she purred.

"Lady Krissaph," I said. I bowed my head like I had seen so many others do as a sign of respect. I wasn't sure how her blindness worked, but she could obviously sense more than she let on, so I didn't risk it.

"I see you've been in Diamid's esteemed presence. Been prodding for information, has he?" She offered me her arm. "Come."

Puko's feathers bristled, he was puffed up like a black cloud in my arms. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen in place, not wanting to go with her but I was already lost as it was...

"Oh come on now, I don't bite." She continued to hold out her arm patiently. "Well, I don't bite females. Often."

I took a deep breath and shifted Puko to one arm, taking Krissaph's arm with my other hand.

"Good girl, wise decision." She immediately began walking further down the hallway, and I had little choice but to follow.

"So, young one. You have many mysteries surrounding you, yes?" she asked.

"I'm not the only one," I muttered. Puko cawed his agreement.

"Interesting company you keep, Wren." To my dismay we turned a corner and split away from our original corridor. "He seems to be full of secrets too."

I glanced down at Puko's milky white eye. He seemed to be watching Krissaph with it, and it sent a chill through me. I hadn't ever given him much thought, but he had sat faithfully on Mila's shoulder since I could remember. The things he must have seen would probably haunt a lesser being than him.

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