Wi-Fi (1)

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Song of the chapter: Tonight by Nonso Amadi.


If there's one thing about alcohol, it's it ability to make you free for the night, and feel like shit the next morning.

And that was exactly how Tade felt, laying on his bed at past ten in the morning.

Like shit.

He groaned and turned his head away from the curtain where light was beginning to seep in.

On a normal day, he would have gotten some paracetamol and very strong coffee, but he couldn't go anywhere.


His head snapped up at the sound of knocking, or banging rather, at his door.

"Tade!" He recognized the squeaky voice of his childhood best friend and wing woman.

He groaned. He couldn't go and open the door, but if he left her out there, he'll never get the sleep he wanted.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to he the sleep out of them. He looked around and sighted his wheelchair right beside him.

At least, in his drunken stupor, he remembered to put it at arm's length.

"Tade oh!" She shouted again.

"Oh shut up jare! I'm coming!" He barked back and winced, feeling a sharp pain in his head.

He pushed himself off the bed and into the wheelchair, hitting his knuckles against the bedside table. Hissing in pain, he wheeled himself towards the living room, grateful that he at least had the sense to build a bungalow when he had money, and not a mansion.

He opened the door and Mfon stared at him with wide eyes.

They hadn't seen each other for a few months, but a lot had changed since then.

"You look like scraps."

"Thank you. Would you like to come in?"

She stepped into the stuffy house, and her hand flew to her nose.

"Tade! What the hell happened?"

He looked over his sitting room, and shrugged. The curtains hadn't been open in a while, there were a few take-away plates lying around, some with spoilt food in them; empty beer bottles littered the place, and dust was everywhere.

She stepped into the kitchen and screamed as a rat ran past her. It was even worse than his living room. The other three bedrooms were neat, just dusty, but his bed room was an eye sore.

"What did you tell me when I told you I had to leave for a few months?" She asked him, standing with her hands on her hips and her tone was sassy.

"That I would try to move on from what happened and start over?" He said although it sounded more like a question.

"Well?" She waved her hands desperately towards the mess he was living in.

He took a minute to stare at his bestfriend. She looked better than when she left. Her big brown eyes stared at him expectantly for a reasonable answer, and she had cut her hair, tinting it gold. She wore a purple jumpsuit with sandals and his lips curved up into a small smile, remembering her dislike for heels. She looked... successful.
And he looked and felt like shit.

"...and I come back, after a few shitty months in Borno to find you, living like this. Are you even listening to me?" She snapped her fingers in front of him and he blinked, looking at her.

"Tade, you have talent. You are even talent on your own sef. Everything you touch turns to money. Abi who started an empire at the age of seventeen? You did. And who was ranked the sixth richest man in Nigeria, and the youngest to ever reach top ten? You!"

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