Wi-Fi (2)

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Song of the chapter: Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue.


When Tade woke the next morning, he felt different. For one thing, his head didn't hurt when he sat up; and he couldn't find his half finished bottle of beer on the bed side table when he looked around. Plus, he had no beard, and his room smelt like flowers.

Then he remembered.

Mfon came over the day before and cleaned his shit up. He laughed at the day they shared. He hadn't had that much fun in months.

Then he remembered again, he had jobs.

"Ughhh." He groaned, plopping back on the bed in annoyance.

Did he even remember how to create a software? When you start, you'll remember; an annoying optimistic voice said in his head.

He rolled his eyes, realising he was having a conversation with himself and forced himself off the bed and into the wheelchair. After a few minutes, he was comfortable and decided to take a bath.

Maybe he should take Mfon up on the offer of having a helper?

No, he didn't want to be helpless. And he didn't have any money to pay anyone.

She promised to pay.

No, he didn't want to be dependent either.

He took a moment staring at the bathtub, trying to remember the last time he had a bath willingly.

Mfon had helped him yesterday, while he was wearing boxers of course, he couldn't let his best friend see him naked.


He wheeled himself towards the bathtub, and hoisted himself up, holding the edges so he could get in and landed in with a loud bang.

He hissed in pain, biting the inside of his cheek so he wouldn't shout as he landed sharply in the tub.

He sat down, putting on the tap, and pulling his knees towards him, he hugged them, burying his face in them and cried silently.

He missed his bottles of beer.

"Have you started?" He heard Mfon shout over the phone and from what he could hear, she was driving and the road was very busy.

"Started what?" He replied gruffly, regretting why took the phone she got for him yesterday.

After his episode in the bathroom, it took a while for him to get out of the tub, dress up, and even eat.

He couldn't reach a lot of things in the house, and decided that he would renovate it when he had money.

If he ever had money anyway.

"The jobs I gave you jare, ode." She replied and he rolled his eyes.

"No. I just finished eating." He replied.

"At this time? It's already past twelve." She scolded and he felt a burst of rage that had been building up since morning.

"Well you try getting around when you're stuck in a wheelchair!" He barked at her and the line went silent.

"I asked you if you needed any help Tade." She said quietly.

"I'm not helpless." He whispered, as though he was trying to convince himself.

"There's nothing wrong with admitting you need help."

"I. Don't. Need. Help." He said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, alright." She laughed, trying to dissolve the tension. "Just get started alright? This could be good for you."

"I know, whatever." He rolled his eyes.

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