Wi-Fi (12)

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Song of the chapter: FIA by Davido.


While Tade tried to keep Amenze awake, thousands of questions ran through his mind.

"I need you to stay awake babe, I'm going to have to put you on hold so I can call an ambulance for you."

Why would she call him, instead of dialling the emergency number immediately?

"Can you sing a song for me babe? So you can stay awake?" He cooed softly and she replied with a faint yes.

As she sluggishly recited the lyrics of Fia by Davido, he quickly placed her on hold and dialled the emergency number.

How long had this been going on? Why did she stay with a guy that was abusing her?

He remembered the slap he heard over the phone the last time they talked. He should've suspected something, talked to her, brought her out of this mess.

"Lagos state emergency services, what's your emergency?"

God, he hoped she was still singing.

"What's your emergency? Are you there?"

He realised that the emergency service had been on the line for a few seconds.

"Right. So my cousin lives in Osun, and she just called to let me know that her boyfriend just beat her up and she's half dead and I need an ambulance right there." He said quickly.

"Well why didn't she call an ambulance from there?"

"I don't know! I'm on speed dial? She's not thinking straight? Does it matter? She's dying." He snapped.

"I'll need you to calm down sir, while I transfer your call to the Osun state emergency service."

Did her call to him mean she trusted him, and she missed him? And why did that matter to him anyway?

"Osun state emergency services, what's your emergency?"

He explained the emergency to them and they told him that they would dispatch an ambulance to the address immediately.

"Are you still there?" He asked Amenze and she murmured incoherently.

"Stay with me till the ambulance comes." He pleaded while she hummed. "Just stay with me."


"Dude, you just got my fiance and I back together. You're supposed to give us space to do couple stuff." Mfon whined, obviously still on her bed.

"Amenze called."

"You interrupted our make out session because your internet obsession finally called you again?" She asked, and he heard Michael chuckling in the background.

"Be nice." Michael said.

"But I haven't kissed you in a while. We have to make up for lost days." Mfon whined and Tade grimaced.

"Ew. Can you guys plan your kissing schedule later? I have an emergency." Tade spoke up.

"What? She wants to meet up?" Mfon asked.

"I wish." Then he told her all that happened that morning.

"Oh wow." Mfon said quietly.

"Yes, wow." Michael echoed.

"Am I on speaker?" Tade asked.

"Yup. I still have to make sure you're not trying to steal her." Michael spoke up.

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