Wi-Fi (9)

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Song of the chapter: Boyfriend by Justin Beiber.


"What in the world are you wearing?" Tade asked, rubbing his eyes as he stared at Mfon with a raised eyebrow.

He was about to complain about the interruption of his sleep but all his protests died down when he saw her in a large coat and a hat.

"A detective costume." She said, rolling her eyes and stepping into his house.

"You look like a mumu." He remarked.

"Thanks. You always look like a mumu." She replied with a shrug. "Anyways, I'm finally settled down, and I've decided to get started on your case."

"Seriously?" His ears perked up in excitement.

"Yes. Seriously." She gave him a large smile. "So, how about you have a bath, cuz you're smelling iyama, and I make something for us to eat then we can begin."


6 months ago


Tade had been laying lifeless for weeks now, and he still hated the feeling he had.

He felt like he was sinking, drowning, and there was no one to pull him out.

His spirit and body felt separated, and he usually just watched the doctor and nurses go in and out of his room, shaking their heads pitifully at his situation.

Even six months after, he would still think of these moments, and wonder if he was in a long dream while he was in a coma.

His body refused to die, yet he refused to wake up. One week before he woke up, he had a visitor.


Six months after, he still thought it was a dream, a subconscious act of finding someone to blame.

He heard someone walk in, and the doctor said, "That's him there."

He wanted to open his eyes, to see his friend, ask him to take him away from this place.

But he was trapped in his body.

"Finally." Manny sighed out, sitting down beside him. "You finally get what you deserve. You've been put in your place."

What? He wanted to shout. What was he saying?

"I never expected it to be so easy. For someone who is considered very smart, you're such an ode. Too trusting, too too trusting." Manny continued.

Tade had never been more confused. He wanted to ask his best friend what he was talking about, but his body refused to respond.

"You've been sitting in my spot for too long. Do you know who I am? I was supposed to be the popular one in school! I was smart, I had the looks and the high class background. And you, you were on scholarship! You grew up in an orphanage. What made you think that you could overshadow me?" Manny poked his chest with anger.

Manny hated him?

"I never hated you before. I liked it when you were like my shadow. Then you were suddenly the smarter one. And then you won that contest, and started your company. And then you made me an accountant! Me! I studied abroad! You didn't even go to university! And I suddenly became your shadow. You got the riches, the fame, and you got Olamide." Manny said bitterly.

"Now look that the mighty Simon Bello. You're finally in your place. And when you wake up, I'll be back on top of the world, and you'll be at the bottom of the food chain." Manny continued, standing up.

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