Wi-Fi (16)

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Song of the chapter: Maps by Maroon 5


Tade was miserable for the next three days.

Amenze hadn't come online, and he was too chicken to call her or send a text. Locking himself up in his house, and only living on bread or indomie, he submerged himself into work, trying to forget about the girl he likes.

"I don't like how you let this Amenze girl affect you. I thought guys handled rejections better than girls sef." Mfon commented as Tade gulped down the jollof spaghetti she had made for him.

"Remember when we were in university and that guy, what was his name oh." Tade put his fork down and cupped his chin in his hand as though he was thinking hard. "Yes! Mide. Remember when he rejected you because you were 'too short'?" Tade said, stifling his upcoming laughter.

"That jerk. Short girls are sexy. He just missed out on all the fun." Mfon grumbled, folding her arms. "What's your point?"

"You screamed at me, cried and broke a lot of stuff in my room... including the screen of my laptop!" Tade narrowed his eyes at her.

"Well you were already making money from all your softwares, you bought a new one the next day." Mfon pointed out.

"Yes well you definitely handled the rejection worse than I can ever handle mine. And it hurt that she didn't even reject me properly! She just hung up." Tade whined.

Mfon shrugged. "Maybe she isn't ready after what happened with her crazy boyfriend."

Tade scraped his plate, putting the last fork of spaghetti in his mouth and then giving her the plate. "More."

She lifted an eyebrow.

"More please, your royal highness." He said, giving an exaggerated bow.

"Sometimes I wonder why I even do this." Mfon muttered and Tade laughed. "You love me." He replied. "Well I guess I understand that she isn't ready, but she could've just said so na." He added.

"Well I'm sure you guys would talk it over later." Mfon reassured him. "Well, what did you do when she hung up sef?"



Tade groaned and slammed his fist on the table. "Ow!" He whined, massaging his wrist.

Feeling extremely deflated, he looked at his wheelchair which he already pushed far away without thinking. How was he supposed to get back to it now?

He tried calling her back, but she had gone offline, then he brought his phone out and was about to dial her number.

But what was he supposed to say? He sighed to himself. Maybe he should just give her some space.

Struggling to push his swivel office chair to the other side of the room, he moved a little before tumbling and falling down. Cursing loudly, he pushed the chair off him, and sat on the floor, resting his head on the bed.

Then he let the tears fall.

He just wanted to walk again.


"Nothing." He gave Mfon a tight smile. "Just went to bed."

She looked at him suspiciously, but decided to let him be.

"So, what are you doing tomorrow?" She asked, successfully changing the subject. "I got reservations at one classy restaurant, for one. I just want one night with just me, celebrating what's left of my life." He replied.

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