Wi-Fi (11)

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Song of the chapter: Superwoman by Wande Coal.


It had been almost three weeks since Tade talked to Amenze.

Was it pride? Or was he still hurt by her words?

He didn't want to force himself on her, but at the same time, he wanted to send her a message like nothing ever happened.

Kadija was a nice girl, but she wasn't as fun as Amenze. Their conversations usually went like this.

Kadija: Hey T Bear

Tade: Hey

Kadija: Guess what?

Tade: What?

Kadija: Lol that's not how to guess silly!

Sometimes he wanted to tell her to leave him alone, but she was the only source of entertainment he had seeing as Amenze had left.

Maybe he would get used to Kadija.

Although he didn't want to get used to her. He wanted someone else's girl.

He slapped his forehead and groaned, turning back to his laptop and working on the new project.

At least he had a job, his life wasn't all that bad.


"Okay, no more!" Mfon said, standing up and stomping her foot on the floor forcefully.

"Whats wrong with this one now?" Tade rolled his eyes, clueless of why she was angry.

"You've opened and closed Amenze's picture on your laptop like, seventeen times since I got here, ten minutes ago!" Mfon replied.

"What's wrong with, wait, what's your own sef? When did you see me open her picture? It was just a mistake abeg. Open her picture ko." He said, shutting his laptop and feigning nonchalance.

"Yes. A mistake you made repeatedly. I totally believe you. Ode. Go and get dressed." Mfon retorted, rolling her eyes.

"What are you talking about now? I'm already dressed." Tade said, looking down at his faded tee shirt and shorts.

"Like we're going out, so you need to get dressed." Mfon said slowly, as if she was talking to a toddler.

"What now naw?" He whined. "Going to where?"

"The mall. You need some new clothes, and you need to get out and stop staring at Amenze's picture." Mfon replied.

"I can simply order new clothes. I don't want to go anywhere." He folded his arms across his chest.

"You're not ordering anything, we would go to the mall, get you some new clothes, eat at a restaurant and have fun. You hear?" She put her foot down.

"Don't you like have a fiance to disturb sef? You're always on my neck." He rolled his eyes.

Mfon suddenly became quiet and he looked at her, noticing tears welling up. She used the back of her palm to wipe it off and sniffed.

"Mfon? What's wrong? You do have a fiance, right?" He asked slowly and she shook her head, sniffing more as tears began to gush out.

"Why?" Tade asked.

"He thinks I like you instead. He says that I'm spending so much time with you, and that maybe I'm falling for you instead." Mfon said between her sobs.

"Well you don't like me, right?" Tade said uncomfortably.

"No, iyama. That would be like liking my brother." Mfon wrinkled her nose, even if she was crying, and Tade breathed out a sigh of relief.

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