Wi-Fi (7)

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Song of the chapter: Yeba by Kiss Daniel


"Pop pop pop pop, pop pop, pop pop something!" Mfon entered Tade's room screaming the song at the top of her lungs.

"Jesu! Please let this be a very bad dream." Tade groaned, pulling his duvet over his head.

"Make we pop champagne!" She continued singing, pulling the duvet off the bed and shaking his shoulders. "Wake up you lazy man!"

"Have you ever heard of privacy? It's this thing when you leave people the fuck alone, especially when they're sleeping." He snapped, but the grin of her face didn't waver, and she was completely unfazed by his rudeness.

"Stand up, let's dance jare." She poked his side.

"I can't stand. My legs are dead remember?" He retorted and she rolled her eyes.

"At least they're still there. Some people don't even have the leg." She replied.

"Why are you so happy sef?" He asked, ignoring her last statement. It was too early to argue with Mfon, especially when he knew that she would win.

"Cuz you got that project thingy stuff naw. Have you booked your appointment to meet with the company and sign a contract?"

"Meet with what?" He mumbled, his brain slowly waking up. He pulled himself up and sat on the bed, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Swallow us oh." She teased at how wide his mouth opened.

"Shut up. Now what were you saying? You're always taking out of my sleeping hours. I wake up by eight o'clock." He grumbled.

"I woke you up by seven fifty naw." She reasoned.

"Yes. You took ten minutes from my sleep. Do you know how important those ten minutes can be? Someone can become a president in ten minutes. And I was having a good dream too, and you interrupted the kiss. So you better start talking now." He replied, folding his arms across his chest.

"Kiss? What kiss?" She suddenly asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"After all my complaining, that's all you heard." He rolled his eyes, trying to fight the smile that appeared on his lips.

"Yes. Now gist me." She nudged his shoulder.

"Well I saw Amenze's picture yesterday. And she's a beauty. And I dreamt about her. The end." He said quickly and she laughed.

"Well, you have me to thank for that. Although just remember that it's just internet dating. Very small chance of being real." She grinned.

"I know. I'm just living in a fantasy."


"Yes so I said that you have to go to the company to sign the contract and see the director in charge." Mfon said.

She had bought akara and ogi for him on her way, so he decided to over look the fact that she had shortened his sleep.

"I can't go." He said with his mouth full so it sounded muffled.

"Abeg swallow what you're eating jare. Iyama." Mfon scrunched her nose in distaste and he rolled his eyes, swallowing his food.

"I said, I can't go." He said.


He looked down at his useless legs and then up at Mfon.

She stared at him with her eyebrows raised up, then she got the message.

"Oh for the love of God! Get over yourself!" She shouted, standing up. He dropped his spoon, taken aback by her sudden burst of anger. "No one cares if you're stuck in a wheelchair. Some people are in worse situations right now so stop trying to get pity-"

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