Wi-Fi (18)

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Song of the chapter: Am I Wrong by Nico and Vinz.


Tade: Wish me luck today

Amenze: Why?

Tade: Let's just say that I'm about to do something today that would either make or break me.

Amenze: Well I hope it makes you. Good luck!

"Tade! Better finish doing lovey lovey with your girlfriend and come here! We cannot be late!" Mfon screeched and Tade winced, logging out and shutting his laptop down.

He hoisted himself into his wheelchair, without any accidents as he had enough practice, and wheeled himself out of the room and into the sitting room. Mfon sat there with Michael and Mr. Tola, Michael's cousin who was a top lawyer in the state.

"Finally, we have to be early. Shows a good impression." She stood up and wheeled him out of the house without permission, the two men following behind her. There was an Uber waiting for them in the front of the house, and they went through the usual ritual of putting him in the car and keeping his wheelchair in the boot.

"Are you nervous?" Mfon asked after a while of comfortable silence. She was seated at his right while Mr. Tola took the left. Michael was riding shotgun.

Tade shrugged in reply. Should he be nervous?

"What are my chances of winning?" Tade asked Mr. Tola. "Roughly, seventy five percent." The lawyer replied confidently. "Wow! That good?" Tade was surprised.

"Well yes. Although Manny was smart with his plans, his cleaning up is very messy. He didn't expect you to go after him, that's for sure. A lot of incriminating banking transactions; we tracked down the people he paid to cause the accident and the fire, and we have recorded confessions that he sent them. He's in deep trouble, he just doesn't know it." Mr. Tola said and Tade grinned.



"Who are those guys glaring at me?" Tade whispered to Mfon who was sitting behind him. They were sitted in court that was supposed to start in less than ten minutes and some guys sitted at the other side had been glaring at Tade for a while.

"Oh, those are Manny's minions." Mfon replied, looking at them and giving them a wink. Instead of glaring daggers at her like Tade expected, they avoided her gaze and looked away in fear. "How did you get that recorded confession again?" Tade asked.

"Lets just say I'm very persuasive." Mfon said vaguely with a confident smirk.

"Where is this judge sef? I'm getting anxious." Tade said, wisely dropping the subject. "You need to calm down. Don't show any form of fear, be confident in your testimonies okay?" Mr. Tola said, and Tade nodded.

"I know I know." He said. "Look who just came in." Mfon said, causing Tade to look back.

Manny was walking in confidently with Olamide at his side, the latter looking wary. He had a whole entourage of lawyers behind him as he strode in; his smirk faltered when he sighted his former workers sitting in fear at one side of the court, but he quickly hid it, walking towards Tade.

"Well, who would've guessed that my childhood friend would sue me. And look, it's your obedient dog, following you everywhere you go." Manny mused and Tade rolled his eyes. "You lost the rights to be my friend the moment you decided that you wanted what I worked for. And just so you know, Mfon is a solider now. You won't want to be arrested by an army officer now would you? You know how extreme their measures can be." Tade replied coolly. "And how are you enjoying my leftovers? She seems to be warming every rich mans bed, from what I'm seeing." Tade added, looking at Olamide who's eyes widened at the insult.

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