Wi-Fi (Epilogue)

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Song of the chapter: Hands Of My Heart by MKTO.


This is it.

Tade chanted in his head as she walked towards him. By the time he looked up back at her, her expression of surprise had been replaced by a warm smile, and he wasn't sure if guys had butterflies, or if their stomachs did flip flops, but in that moment, the sight of her smile alone got his heart racing.

"Amenze King. Happy to finally meet you." She said as she got in front of him, stretching her hand out. He took it reluctantly, placing a feather like kiss on it, and he was sure she shivered at his touch but he waved it off.

He probably imagined it.

This conversation was going on for longer than he thought. "You don't mind?" He finally blurted out as she sat down. "I mean, I expected you to come in here, see me, slap me, probably add some insults to it, and then walk out."

She laughed, music to his ears. "I had my suspicions. I just didn't want to jump into conclusions. I had already read the article about your accident, but it mentioned nothing about you being on a wheelchair. But you, my dear, are terrible at hiding stuff. I sighted the wheelchair most of the time when we were video chatting." She revealed and he arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Then you asked that question about me liking a guy on a wheelchair, you never stood up and you were afraid to meet up, which was weird because you always portray the epitome of confidence."

He gaped at her explanation, and a wave of relief washed over him, followed by another question. "So you don't mind?" He asked carefully and she shrugged.

"For now, I don't. But who knows what the future holds? But putting the wheelchair aside Tade, there are a lot of reasons why I'm staying, and keep it in mind that this is probably the first and last time I would ever boost your ego this much. You're sweet, nice, hilarious, smart, determined, confident sometimes, you're like my sunshine, always able to make me happy; when I'm with you, I can be myself. You make me happy, so I'm willing to take this leap." She replied and he grinned.

"Besides, it's just a wheelchair Tade, other people have it worse than you. You should be thankful. This wheelchair isn't a sign of weakness, it's shows how resilient you are. That no matter how hard they tried to push you down, you kept coming back up. You didn't stay down, you kept on jumping back, pushing forward, and you didn't give up. If that's not admirable, I don't know what else is. I mean, I heard about your court hearing." She pointed out and he felt his heart swell with pride.

"As much as I'd like to take all the credit for that, I didn't do it alone." His gaze flickered to Mfon and Michael sitting down very close to them, obviously listening in on their conversations.

"Ah, M and Ms." She joked and they laughed.

"Listen to me Tade. A man isn't made up of money, fame and a handsome face; but his ability to never give up until he achieves something great. That's a real man." She finished, placing a hand over his.

"Thanks onitemi. That means a lot." He grinned.

"Now, T.D, I didn't come all the way here to give you a pep talk, why don't we start with the old fashioned date. Going to the movies." She smiled, standing up and standing behind him, gripping the handle of his wheelchair.

Tade laughed. "Gosh, I love you!" He said. "But don't call me T.D again. That's a closed chapter abeg." He whined and they laughed.

She ignored the fact that he said he loves her, as she believed that it was too early to tell.

After all, they still had the rest of forever to spend together.


The End.



Who expected this to be the end? Sorry guys, I can't write long stories. I dunno why, but I'm still working on my skills sha. 😣😣

So how was my ending? It's up to you guys to imagine the rest of their lives together!

Thank you very much for following me on Tade's life journey. Your votes, comments and even reads are appreciated.

Questions of the chapter:
1) What is your best scene in the book?😉

2) As childish as this sounds, what did you learn from Wi-Fi? 😌

Thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed the book as much as I did, tag five people here!

My next book, Bride Price, won't be ready until March cuz I'm taking a break from writing to cool my brain 😂😉😊

Thank you so much for reading.

Love you guys!

Advice, suggestions, criticism, they are welcome. Let me know what I'm doing wrong or right.

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Keep on being amazing my little mi-fi's

- Timi

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