Wi-Fi (15)

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Song of the chapter: No Way No by Magic.


Amenze chastised herself for being so clingy. What was she thinking? He was a busy man, and he was probably shuffling through his work and chatting with her every second.

She knew that there were four stages to internet dating, and she was surprised that she instigated the next stage.
-Voice call
-Video call
-Meet up.

But then she rolled her eyes at her thoughts. They weren't dating. Instead, they used the word 'friend' a lot, as though trying to let the other know that they would never get past friendship.

Do you say it to him, or you say it to convince yourself?

As much as she would love to date Tade, all of this wasn't real without, at least, a video chat. Then a wave of fear hit her.

He hadn't replied.

Millions of thoughts ran through her mind but the main sentence was: he's not who he says he is.

He might be an old man for all she knew, using his sons picture and now cooking up a lie to tell her in order to avoid the video chat.

She had searched Google trying to find out about him couple of times, but there was nothing on Tade Bello. No Facebook, Twitter; not even a small side note. Everyone could be found on Google, but it was like he didn't exist.

Then she shook her head again. This was Tade. The one who saved her from hell. He doused the fire that burned around her and pulled her up even without being there. And he helped her move on with no fear.

Why would she doubt him?

She bit her lower lip and typed.

Amenze: If you're busy it's okay. We can always do it later.


Tade: Its fine. Just give me two minutes to finish up on what I was doing then I'll call you.

Amenze: Oh great! For a second I thought you were stalling and then you'll tell me you're an old man who was bored and decided to use his sons picture to toast unsuspecting young girls.

Tade: Lol! I'm very far from old, trust me.

Amenze: I know. I trust you.

He felt his insides churn with guilt and for a split second, he considered going on with the video call and showing his wheelchair.

But he knew Nigerian girls.

They all wanted the perfect man.

This was no wattpad cliche fairytale, she wouldn't just wave off the fact that he's unable to walk.

It's not like you're dating her any way.

Tade: Don't trust me too much

He hastily typed and pressed send, cringing inwardly at his white lie. He did want to finish up on something, kinda, sorta... you get the point.

He quickly wheeled himself to the back where is office chair had been abandoned as he hardly ever needed it. Cursing silently, he pushed the chair to his table, positioning it properly before propping himself off the wheelchair and into the office chair.

He huffed, realising that although he wasn't anywhere close to fat, he was clearly getting out of shape. He pushed his wheelchair to the back, checking the camera and making sure it wasn't visible. Bursting with excitement, he pressed the video call button.

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