test [analogical]

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Virgil sighed, running a hand through his hair as he sat down at the desk. He looked around at everyone getting out pencils or pens, putting their stuff on the floor. Then he saw Mr. Wentz passing out sheets of paper.


He basically threw his stuff to the floor, chewing nervously on his nails. Virgil forgot totally about the test. The test, the test that was 40 points! how could he forget about it?

Raising his hand, he coughed slightly and Mr. Wentz looked at him, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, Virgil?"

"I'm not feeling well, can I go to the nurse?" the teacher rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"After the test." Virgil went to protest further but was cut off by a paper being slammed on his desk. He sighed and began to write his name on the paper.

The questions weren't hard, but when you can't tell the difference between two verb tenses it's not the easiest either. Since being the literal embodiment of anxiety he was, he was overthinking everything and running his hand through his hair every two seconds.

When Virgil was finally at the last 10 questions is when it got really bad. His palms began to sweat and his pencil ran out of lead.

He let out a sigh of frustration, reaching down to get another pencil when someone suddenly put one on his desk, a piece of folded paper on between the clip and the body. He looked around himself to see an empty desk to his right and Logan, the well-known nerd, to his left. raising his eyebrows at logan, he unfolded the paper to read it.

'Last ten questions answers; A, D, C, A, B, D, A, D, B, A.' 

Logan then stood up, walked to the English teacher's desk and handing in his paper. Virgil's mouth dropped open slightly, Logan gave this to him? Why? He is like the teacher's pet, he would never cheat! Or would he?

Virgil pushed the thoughts out of his head as he scribbled down the last ten answers. Almost tripping over a douchebag's foot, he stumbled up to the teacher and as quickly as he came to the classroom, he left to go to the nurse's office.

The thoughts from before clouded the student's mind and he navigated the now very crowded halls to the nurse. A few seniors pushed him while walked, making him trip even more than he already did.

When he finally got to the office, he saw his two best friends there, Roman held an ice pack to his eye and Patton rubbed his arm.

"Oh, Virge, did you have another panic attack in class?" the nurse asked, walking out of her office.

"Yeah, a test I didn't study for. I'm good now, I just wanna hang out here, is that okay?" Lindsay nodded and he went over to his friends, sitting across from them.

"What happened?"

"I hit my eye off the corner of the desk trying to pass a note to Patton, didn't work out too well."

"Nice. Do you know Logan? Well, he helped me cheat on our English test today! Like, literally!"

Roman raised his eyebrows at him, chuckling slightly and Patton joked, "He definitely likes you,"

"Me? Who could like m-" the boys were cut off as a bell rang signaling the lunch period.

Virgil grabbed his bag and darted to the cafeteria, hoping to get a good table and not a sucky one like yesterday. The only problem is the table he went to sit at, Logan also went to sit at.

"Oh, sorry! You can have this table, I'll find a new one." Virgil smiled politely and began to leave until Logan spoke up.

"No, it's fine. You can have it–"

"Dude please, you and your friends can sit there. It's totally fine!"

"It would be a waste for me to sit there since I do not have any friends to sit with me."

"Oh, really? Um, you can sit with me and my friends then, we'll have an extra seat anyways."

"Thank you, but it's fine if I sit somewhere else, I wouldn't want to be a bother." Virgil almost snorted at that comment, him being a bother? "You know because all of my as some call it 'nerdiness' is extremely annoying."

"It's not! what kind of 'nerd' stuff do you talk about?" Logan smiled as the younger of the two sat down, though Virgil was probably trying to be polite he appreciated the gesture.

"Astronomy and oceanography. Quite boring stuff–"

"Boring? what do you mean? I love that stuff!"

"Oh, um, would you like to conversate about it, then?" Virgil nodded excitedly and Logan took a seat next to him. the two began to talk about both subjects, they were so in depth into their conversation they didn't notice when Patton and Roman came.

They also didn't notice when they were signaled up for lunch, or when Patton and roman came back from getting their lunch.

Once Virgil and Logan were back to talking about astronomy, Patton looked over to roman and said, "it seems as if they're two star-crossed lovers."

Hearing the word star caught the two's attention. logan's checks were firetruck red and Virgil's were too, just not noticeable under all of his makeup.

"Shut up, pat. you don't even know what that means, it was more of an insult than anything.." Virgil joked, sending a smirk to his best friend, "Where were we? Oh yeah!"

The end of lunch finally came, and both Logan and Virgil can say they walked out with a new best friend.

940 words

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