special day. [everyone]

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this is honesly just crack because of the date. and a drabble

"hey virge!" virgil looked up at roman, seeing what he had in his hands. 

"no. get away from me!" roman had his phone, welcome to the black parade paused on the screen. virgil sunk more into his black parade jacket in an attempt to block out roman. 

logan walked up to the two and pressed play, watching the chaos unfold right in front of him. "reeeeee!" virgil screeched and ran out of the room naruto style. patton scolded logan and roman for doing that. roman was quick to throw logan under the bus and defend himself. suddenly virgil reappeared in front of the three. his fringe was now blacker than black and longer than before, his face makeup looked like the black parade makeup and he was now properly wearing the jacket. "i'm offically leaving to join the black parade." he said and ran out the door.

"now look what you've done! we have to go save him now before he hurts himself!" patton dragged the two out of the house and followed virgil to a graveyard with only one grave. a flock of emos surrounded it screaming the lyrics to welcome to the black parade in sync. "virgil, we're going home!" patton shouted and grabbed virgil's wrist. he hissed at the fatherly figure and ran off into the crowd of emos who were growing by the minute. 

"i guess we'll have to wait for this day to be over." roman said, and the three of them left the graveyard. for the rest of the day, they all secretly listened to mcr and cried over the break up. 

i hate myself im sorry 

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