patton's day!! [platonic lamp+ d&r]

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js v will always be the youngest for me bc tho d and r were introduced after him thomas was still telling lies before being anxious and he also was always sleeping before anxiety

"alright bitches!" virgil announced at the meeting without patton. "tomorrow is patton's day! so you all will be assigned different things to do for dad tomorrow."

no one except for roman had a problem that virgil was in charge. "i don't have to listen to you." roman snapped, still mad he couldn't be the leader. "you're the youngest. none of us have to answer to you."

"i  will not hesitate to kick you out of this, roman. keep the petty fighting for later. this is for dad. now stop it." deceit cut in, glaring at roman.

he sighed but said nothing as virgil continued to talk. tonight, deceit and virgil would stay up together and clean the downstairs as everyone else headed off to bed.

"this is really nice of you, virgil." deceit commented and the two began to clean.

"thanks, but it's really nothing.. dad deserves it, i mean other than us helping dad a little who else helps? no one!"

deceit nodded. the rest of the time they cleaned, they sang different songs or had small talk but with the both of them working on the messy-ish house it was easily done.

in the morning, logan got up a little before patton to cook him breakfast in bed. they decided it would be best if logan cooked because no one else could without burning anything.

the logical trait decided to make cute pancake art for patton along with his favorite coffee in the morning and organic maple syrup as well as some toast with crofters on it for himself. once he was finished he heard someone behind him. "logan..? what are you doing up? you shouldn't wake up for another like thirty minutes?"

"well today is special." logan announced, "it is your day, it's fathers day! and you deserve to be treated like a king today. so sit down because i made you breakfast." logan said, attempting to show more emotion than usual.

patton blushed and sat down. "thanks, lo!" smiling, logan sat down across from patton. the two had small talk as they ate. virgil, deceit, and remy all eventually woke up and came into the dining room, wishing patton a happy father's day. roman was the last to come out of his room, mainly because he had the job of doing the dishes for patton as well as setting up a party with virgil while the others did something else.

when he finally did decide to come out, though, was right when everyone finished breakfast but himself and virgil. "happy patton day, dear fatherly figure!" roman exclaimed, hugging patton.

"thanks, ro!" patton smiled, being suddenly dragged away logan, remy, and deceit. virgil nodded at roman and continued to make eggs for the two of them. "you like scrambled, right?"

"yes, thank you." soon, they both finished their food and started to do their jobs. "we have until three, correct?"

"yeah, i can make us lunch when time comes around.. also all the decorations you need are over there." roman nodded and began to work on putting up cartoon dog streamers.

virgil worked on the cake, he loved to cook with patton so it didn't take him long to get everything ready. when he was done he began to do the dishes he made and the dishes from breakfast. "what happened to me doing the dishes?" roman asked, but the anxious trait just shrugged it off.

the rest of the day went smoothly and before they knew it, patton was back. "surprise!" they all shputed in unison.

"aw guys you shouldn't have!" patton said back. "you all are amazing. i love you all!"

"we love you too, patton!" virgil replied. they all ended up cuddling on the couch at the end of the night, virgil and patton secretly taking photos of everyone.

for fathers day oof. personally i dont wanna celebrate it bc my dad sucks but patton doesn't so eh.

i didnt like this so i didnt write a lot rip not edited

700 words

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