Chapter 4

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Serena's POV:

After my shopping spree with Bonnie, we went out to see Ash and just like the typical Ash he is, he wasn't there. He probably got interested by another Pokemon. But he came waling slowly ,  shoulders drooped and totally pensive in thought.  What was wrong with him?

"Is something wrong Ash?", I asked him. My voice seemed to startle him in such a way that Pikachu nearly fell off his shoulder.

"Pika Pika", Pikachu said nodding in a non cheery voice with his ears drooped down.

"I saw.....Alain do some stuff with that weird guy who asked me my Greninja" I couldn't see him this way. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Ashy, Alain is also a strong trainer. You saw his Charizard right?", I asked him not surprised at all.

"He......He was talking about taking over the world or something Serena. There is definitely something wrong. He was also talking about taking Squishy away to join into something called a Zygarde or something"

When Ash said that Alain was going to take Squishy away, Bonnie immediately hugged her pouch close to her chest with a horrified expression.
Seeing her expression, Ash gave her a grin and said,

"Don't worry Bonnie. Nobody can come near Squishy when I'm around "

Bonnie seemed to relax after this and began to play with Dedenne. I just winked at Ash and this caused him to blush. Few months ago, I would have
thought a hundred times before talking to another person but now I could think of a hundred ways to speak with a person. As Clemont put it, I was now more Ash - like.

"I have to talk to Alain, right now. I have to get to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible", he said still not convinced that he might have misunderstood the conversation. I kissed his cheek in an attempt to help him think straight.

"Come on Ash! I don't want you to go depressed like how you were after you lost to Wulfric", I said.

"That time I was disappointed in myself. This time, I'm scared. I have NO idea how severe the situation might be."

The next day

Bonnie's POV:

"Come on guys! Lets do some last minute warm ups. We face our strongest opponent today. We may have lost to Alain before. We lost to Sawyer too. Didn't we win against him? I say that we can do the same against Alain!", Ash told his Pokemon  who all roared their names in agreement.

"Hey there Bonnie!", he greeted me grinning.

"You seem to be happier now, Ash. Feeling better than yesterday?", I asked him.

"Maybe Serena was right. Maybe I was overreacting to that. Alain may seem kinda creepy but he won't do stuff like that right?"

"Awww! You listened to me? That's sweet of you", Serena came from nowhere and told him in a kind of a mocking voice to which he pouted.

Suddenly, the clock struck 11 and Ash began to run towards the league stadium. Where did that clock come from? I don't know about that but it looked really cute. Dedenne was sleeping in my pouch again so it was kinda tough for Squishy to make space for himself. With no other go, I carried Dedenne close to my chest so that Squishy will be comfortable and ran after Ash. When hyped,I am sure he can run faster than Pikachu when he is using that Lightning Running Attack . I think its called Bolt Tackle. I don't know. I guess its Volt Tackle otherwise. After this I began to run after Ash.

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