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10 Years Later

Serena's POV:

We are usually up early in Pallet Town, but today was an exceptional day. This day was arguably one of the most hectic days I've ever been in.
While I was busy feeding the Pokemon, and cleaning their food bowls, Ash was doing the dishes and dusting the house.

"BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!! I GET MY STARTER TODAY!!", Amber came out yelling and 3 seconds later, I heard a loud thud and a groan.

"Careful, princess! You'd wanna be in one piece when you get your starter", I heard Ash say.

"Are you okay, honey?", I asked her in concern.

"Yeah, mom! I'm fine!", she told me and by the next 30 minutes, she took the entire house by storm getting ready. After I had finished my chores, I noticed that Ash hadn't completed dusting the prize cabinet. He had done a great job on the others, though. When I went to confront him, I saw that Aiden, our second son, was sleeping on him wrapping his arms around his neck, and legs around his waist, while his Pichu, slept on top of his head.

"Oh Goodness! Can't you call me?", I yelled at him and he cupped my mouth shushing me.

"Let him sleep. He's only 6, and I'm pretty sure Amber would have been squealing and giggling the whole night, because that's what I did the night before my journey", he told me and I shook my head. I somehow managed to take Aiden and Pichu from Ash without waking them up.

"MOM!! WHERE IS MY SUNSCREEN LOTION?", Amber yelled in her loudest voice causing the little ones to wake up bawling.

"Did you have to scream?", I asked her seething and she placed her hands on her hips.

"Mom, you would be the first one to yell at me, if I didn't take my sunscreen with me", she told me defensively, and I couldn't argue further.

"It's in your third drawer. I kept it there to prevent it from getting oxidised", I told her and she ran back into her room. Though I really admired her enthusiasm to begin her journey, I was a bit distressed to see her eagerness to leave our house. After calming the two of them down, I went to prepare breakfast.

"Tell me again! Why is it that a 6 year old can get a Pokemon, but I had to wait till I was 10?", Amber asked me pouting and I just giggled seeing her expression.

"Honey, I've told already, haven't I? Aiden was the first person Pichu saw when he hatched from his egg. Pokemon are closest to such people, and Aiden had already formed a strong bond with him, and your dad didn't have the heart to leave Pichu behind", I explained AGAIN, but she just huffed folding her arms across her chest.

A few minutes later, after a food fight between Ash and Amber, it was time for her to get her first Pokemon, and it was the proudest moment for me as a mother, seeing my daughter take her first independent step into the world.

"Decided which Pokemon to choose?", I asked her scraping all the remaining food into the bin and she nodded her head enthusiastically.

"It's a surprise", she chimed and I shook my head acknowledging her childishness - a clone of her father.

"GOODRA GOO GOO GOODRA!!", Goodra came into our house yelling. He immediately fixed his glare on Amber who gulped. He opened her bag and took out a squeezed out lotion bottle whose contents were emptied into the bag.

"Oh, come on! Seriously?", I asked her and she rubbed the back of her head nervously. Goodra, Venusaur and Delphox were her unofficial nannies.

"Please don't leak out this one too, okay? I don't want you running around in the open sun without sunscreen", I told her and she nodded her head jumping up and down as if she was on a sugar rush.

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