Chapter 15

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Serena's POV:

The next morning, Ash told all of the story of how he got Lapras in the Orange Islands, and how Caterpie evolved to Metapod and how Metapod evolved to Butterfree. Then he went on to tell us about a guy named Brock who would propose to any cute girl just like Bonnie, and the Cerulean City Gym Leader Misty who had a temper issue. Meanwhile, Max was preparing for his battle with a guy named Conway. Ash was training him asking his Pokemon to attack Max's Pokemon at ANY time which wasn't well received by Max.

"DO YOU MEAN CONWAY??", Dawn shrieked. Suddenly she was sweating profusely.

"What's wrong, Dawn? You OK?", May asked 2 contradictory questions.

"Well, Conway is a mysterious dude who kept following Ash and I when were travelling through Sinnoh. He gives me the creeps!!", she told us shuddering. So, he was a stalker, huh?

"So....whaddup, Ashy-boy?", I heard someone ask Ash.

"GARY!! How are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be in Sinnoh studying about the difference in the variety of Garchomps?", Ash asked the spiky brown haired guy.

"Hey there, poetry guy's grandson!!", Dawn greeted the guy who was apparently Gary. He did seem rather
...familiar. NOW I remember, he was in Professor Oak's Summer Camp. He would keep teasing Ash for extremely trivial reasons and those lame jokes could tickle him to death. But it seemed like he was far better than before.

"If it isn't the blue bed-head gal!!", he countered smirking and Dawn glared at him but I could swear I saw a minor tinge of pink cover her face. She just growled slowly and looked away huffing. Piplup tilted his head unable to fathom the tussle between the two but mimicked his trainer and folded his fins across his chest and looked away.

"30 Pokedollars say I can own your entire team with 4 of my Pokemon!!", Ash challenged him typically. I had no idea as to why he had to challenge each and EVERY trainer he saw whether he knew the person well or not didn't matter. He just had to battle the person.

"50 say I'll whitewash your team with my Blastoise!", he countered. Well, talk about ego.

Then the battle began and I had no clue as to what was going on. Gary was a professional trainer, I could sense that but why he chose to go into the field of research, that one clouded my judgement. Ash came out victorious and nearly like he said he had used 3 of his Pokemon.

"Cough up, Oak Tree!!", Ash asked Gary with his right hand stretched out while Gary gave a larger smirk in return.

"You said that you'd use 4 Pokemon, but you used only 3. So I mustn't pay you, Ashy-boy! Smell ya later, bud!", Gary waved away and Ash gritted his teeth.

"But...I used 3 Pokemon. 3 is better than 4. I still won the bet, in a way. Cough UP!!", Ash countered glaring. But it was to no avail as Gary walked away, his hands resting behind his head. It was cute seeing them fight. The only thing that had changed between them was that Gary was less snobbish now and their fights were more or less like leg pulling. Out of the corner of my eye, I still saw Dawn stealing a few glances at Gary blushing heavily. Goodness, was I THAT obvious all those years ago?

"Drew, for the millionth time, my name is MAY!!" , was the wonderful shriek which broke me out of my reverie.

"Whatever you say, June!", her boyfriend nonchalantly replied receiving another glare from my tomboyish friend.

But he kissed her out of the blue which converted the glare to a massive blush on May's cheeks. Drew took advantage of that and wrapped his arms around her from behind and cuddled her while Max mock-barfed in disgust. Drew ignored the expression but May however wasn't so forgiving. All she needed was an excuse to attack Max.

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