Chapter 23

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Ash's POV:

I began to chase the Team Rocket grunt, but he had a greater advantage as he had a clear route and he didn't have to jump across roofs every now and then. But the advantage I held, was that I could trace out his path and reach him quickly by using certain shortcuts.

"Give UP, Jenny!! You're on the wrong side. These champions are ambitious, they are trying to make you their work for them like slaves. In a few years, you WILL be!!", he yelled. Wasn't he a hypocrite? Giovanni wanted the same thing.

"Snorlax, I choose YOU!! Use Pulverizing Pancake just in front of him to block his path!!", I yelled firing Snorlax's Pokeball. He nodded his head and jumped with full force about a metre from the grunt who shrieked seeing Snorlax who saw him with an impassive expression.

I had to use the few moments he was wasting and I immediately jumped on top of him from the roof. My coat/armour took the damage of the fall while he hit his head pretty hard on the ground and he fainted.

Well, a decent amount of blackmail, and he'd spill his biggest secret. I took Greninja's help to get some Oran roots and tied the grunt with the roots with help of Leavanny's String Shot. Meanwhile, Snorlax decided to get some shut eye.

"Wuh.....who....what do you want from me?", he drawled semi conscious and I nodded to Greninja who placed the beginning of the roots near Snorlax's mouth.

"You see my friend, Snorlax can't differentiate between the food he eats, so he will only realize that he has chomped down your head before he swallows it. Catch my point?", I threatened and he took a potion from his pocket and mixed it with the roots.

"Weak plan. Snorlax is immune to ALL sorts of poison. His body's metabolism has shifted in such a drastic way, so do a favour to yourself and live a longer life!!", I told giving him one of my death glares and he shrunk.

"30 seconds to be beheaded, what's Giovanni's plan?", I asked him.

"The cake!! The CAKE!! We've tampered with the cake. When the two of them cut the cake, it would immediately burst. A gel has been coated on the cake which would cause the explosion. It's only on a mini scale, a range of 3 metres. Lance and Cynthia would be killed but no one else would be harmed. LET ME GO!!", he spilled and I motioned Greninja to cut the root.

Suddenly, a whistle was heard and I saw Officer Jenny come up.

"There you are! Is that your accomplice?", she asked him pointing towards me accusingly and I explained the entire plan to her.

"Goodness, I...I have to warn them", she told me and got ready to leave but I stopped her and I gave her the wedding invitation that was supposed to be sent to Scott.

"Give this to the security, and they'll know", I told her and she left immediately thanking me for my help. Another Jenny came and began to arrest him mentioning some laws about keeping quiet.

" said that you'll let me FREE!!", he accused me.

"When did we sign that agreement? I promised you that I won't let Snorlax behead you!! Enjoy prison", I told him and left searching for a new way to warn Lance and Cynthia.

The Sinnoh Royale was easy to find as it was the tallest building in Oreburgh City, and it was also highly crowded.

The marriage was in the second floor, I think.........., so I had to get there by one of my bird Pokemon, and of course as an uninvited guest.

It was an insane task as all the windows were heavily guarded by Tyranitars and Infernapes, while the main entrance had 7 Officer Jennys guarding the building.

Kalos Redone जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें