Chapter 16

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Ash's POV:

Max somehow managed to defeat Conway. The battle was INTENSE but his hard work paid off somehow. It was a proud feeling knowing that I had a small role in Max's change of attitude but at the same time, I had to be wary of him as he could be a potential threat to my victory path. No matter though, I've always liked battling.

"Any idea as to whom you're up against in the next match?", Dawn asked me in reply to which I shook my head.

"My PokeTab is out of charge", I told her sheepishly and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Typical, Ash! How can you forget something SO important? You're nothing without a PokeTab. It has your identity and a bunch of other stuff!!", she lectured. Then she began to browse through her PokeTab.

"Lemme guess! Is it......Harrison?", I asked her.

"Nope!", she replied.

"Is it Tobias otherwise?", I asked her with a minor glimmer of hope.

"Nah! It's Cameron!!", she told me with a huff. Another guy who had previously defeated me? I was making random guesses for fun but this was intense!! I had to beat Cameron this time at least.

"Hey, Ash!! Are you here or have you zoned out yet again?", Dawn asked me placing her hands on her hips.

"No! I'm just psyched for my battle. I really wanna take on Cameron, you know?", I told her rubbing the back of my head sheepishly.

Dawn's POV:

If there is something Ash can NEVER do, it's changing himself. A hundred years from now if he's alive, he'll still be the same battle crazy kid I've known.

Suddenly, a boy around our age came running towards Ash. He had dirty and spiky blonde hair and wore a red headband. He also had a Lucario beside him.

"Hey, Ash! Wait Up! It's me, CAMERON!!", he introduced. So that was his opponent, huh?

"Whu... Cameron? Hey there, Lucario! How are you two?", Ash greeted them.

"I'm doing GREAT!!"


"Hey, Ash! Looks like we're gonna face each other in a other quarterfinal match, huh? Don't get your hopes up! The result is gonna be the same as last time, except I won't win by luck this time!!", he taunted. Ash simply rolled his eyes and smirked at him.

"You're not the only one who has improved, Cameron! We'll see the results tomorrow!!", he countered and the two of them began to catch up on old times and other stuff.

Meanwhile, Serena was showing Ash's Pokemon a bunch of photographs and by their reactions, those photos had some really good memories. It possibly contained pictures from Professor Oak's Summer Camp, but I wanted to confirm my suspicions.

Serena saw me and motioned me to sit near her, and I did.

"What are you doing?", I asked her.

"I'm showing Ash's Pokemon our pictures from Camp. I asked mom to PidgeyMail those pics to my PokeTab today morning. Wanna see?", she asked me and I nodded my head.

There were around 5 or 6 pictures in her tab. The first one was Ash chasing a wild Pidgey while Serena was playing with a Sandshrew.

"That's Ash's Pidgeot, you know?", Serena informed/asked me and Pidgeot nodded his head enthusiastically with his proud screech.

The next picture had Ash feeding a Starly and a Fletchling who were fighting for a piece of Pokemon food and a Bulbasaur was trying to pacify them while Serena was placing her straw hat on an excited Corsola while the third picture had Ash and Serena playing with a jubilant Tepig and a hyperactive Oshawott.

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