Chapter 10

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Bonnie's POV:

I felt an unseen rage pass through me as I saw Ash grinning like a mad man and I suddenly began assaulting him with punches.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!! What are you doing? ", Ash asked me TOTALLY  amused. He had become extremely strong now physically. I gave him a death glare but he was unfazed.

"Are you so damn poor that you can't afford a videophone to call me and Clemont once in a while? We were worried SICK. "

"Alright! Alright! I apologize.  I was too engrossed in training that I forgot my contacts with the external world. I will make up for it!", he said defensively but chuckling at the same time.

"Alright, Ash. I expected this from you. Have you at least talked to Serena? ", I asked him to which he nodded with a grin. After that, I lost it.

"YET,  YOU COULDN'T SPEND ANOTHER MINUTE TO TALK TO US?", I roared. Meanwhile Dedenne began to play with Raichu who was ecstatic seeing the large electric mouse.

"Chespin, that's enough.  You've had lots of macarons and you'll end up fat like last time!", I heard a very familiar voice advise.

"CHE!CHE!CHE!CHESPIN!PIN!", the grass type yelled desperately trying to grab the box of macarons.

"Get back in your Pokeball. Hey Bonnie! Is that a challen......Ash?!", Clemont kinda asked hurriedly. Ash just grinned in response.

"What's up, inventor?", he replied showing him the victory symbol. Clemont ran and hugged him as hard as he could and Ash just smiled and hugged him back with equal force.

"Its so good to see you, Ash. How have you been?", Clemont asked adjusting his spectacles.

"I'm fine. Spectacular, in fact. All of my Pokemon are in their final stage of evolution and we've been training immensely hard for the Lumiose Conference", Ash said still clasping Clemont's hand. By then, Clemont had realized that Pikachu had evolved and immediately took out a small machine having two wires.

"May I run a small test on your Raichu, Ash?", Clemont asked in response to which Raichu tensed and hid behind Ash's legs.

"Don't worry. I just wanna see the strength of his electricity. This machine would help me note down the required readings", Clemont explained to which Ash nodded and so did Raichu. Clemont immediately stuck the two wires to the yellow dots on his cheeks and stuck a cello tape around it to keep it in position, and switched on the device.

"Now, Raichu. I want you to use the strongest ever Thunderbolt you can create", Clemont asked to which Raichu nodded unsurely.

"Are you sure its safe, Clemont? I mean, Raichu has grown extremely powerful, you know", Ash warned but Clemont waved it off.


Suddenly, the device exploded as expected and destroyed my hairstyle as I was close to the device along with Clemont. Ash was wise enough to stay a few yards away and Raichu was unfazed.

"Looks like I'll need a stronger machine", Clemont drawled half dazed. Ash gave him the I-told-you-so look and Raichu apologized.

"Raichu is insanely powerful, Ash. You must be very proud", Clemont complimented.

"Thanks, Clemont. It was 80 percent Raichu's efforts though. Hey Bonnie! Have you found Clemont a wife?", he asked me cheekily. I smirked in return.

"Not yet. I am close however. You can't find a wife on your own, Clemont. You know that, and so does Daddy. He approves of me helping you", I said placing my hands on my hips. Clemont sweatdropped and just shook his head mumbling something about crazy sisters.

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