Chapter 22

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A/N: At the outset, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support. I hope this Chapter is good enough. Please do consider leaving behind a vote if it was good. Thanks!!:):):)

Jessie's POV :

We slowly went into the base with Raichu in the rubber cage, while he was still playing the knocked out part. A few of the grunts saw us in such a way as if we grew another head out of nowhere. Were we THAT horrible? Even that irritating Delibird was clapping it's hands while the old lady looked at us in surprise and gave us a nod of respect while we returned a fake one. We slowly went into our mini boss Archer's room while he received us in joy seeing Raichu with a new perspective.

Out of the blue, his drooped ears stood up and he sent a large Thunderbolt towards us, and it hit us but it didn't hurt us just like the twerp had said and we dropped down in mock agony.

"IDIOTS!! Can't you take care of one Raichu?", he yelled at us while we were still mock twitching and as if on cue, the twerp arrived chuckling.

"And who the hell are you, you clown?", he yelled at him.

"I'm the clown who's gonna kill you right now", the twerp told him and pulled out his shotgun from his back and fired it. Mini boss shrieked and ducked but a Pokeball simply came out from the shotgun and a massive and a rather Feraligatr arrived from it. That hyperactive Totodile had evolved?

"TAR!TAR!TAR!", he kept yelling again and again dancing as merrily as ever.

"You just got a dancing Pokemon. Congratulations!! Take him to the circus. This dumb Pokemon was the reason for your big build up?", Mini boss mocked the twerp who seemed to smirk. We couldn't see his mouth as it was blocked by the mask kinda thing.

"Buddy, look at me now", he told Feraligatr whistling and he turned around quickly and the tail smashed onto Archer in full force which sent him crashing into the nearby wall which partially shattered on impact. He then coughed some blood and began to breathe heavily which signified that his ribs were broken.

Then Raichu came towards him smirking and menacingly sparked his cheek spots before he was grabbed by Feraligatr who thrust him with full force straight into mini boss's chest with a 720 degree spin. Mini boss spewed some more blood and Raichu plugged his neck with his tail and began to charge a Hyperbeam.

"Don't worry Archer, Giovanni will be coming to wherever you are going, in a few days. PEACE!!", he yelled and smashed his head with his shotgun effectively killing him. Raichu however, wasn't amused as his Hyperbeam was left a complete waste and he fired it on a dead body.

"Ketchup's on me, buddy", he told him rubbing his head and suddenly his expression changed to that of an excited Pichu. Meanwhile Feraligatr was busy eating the power source of the entire headquarters and gulped the whole 220 volt source in a single chomp. The twerp simply rolled his eyes and returned his Pokemon and motioned the two of us to follow him.

4 hours ago, if someone had told us that Team Rocket had the worst ever plans, we would've smashed them to pulp....Okay tried to smash them to pulp, but then we understood the truth behind the image Team Rocket held.

"Ya fools, whatcha standin here fo'? Get out of dat room! Dis place could blow anytime!!", Meowth yelled pulling us out of the room and the twerp gave us a two finger salute and ran away. Lyncanroc smirked at him and followed suit.

"Dat...Lycanroc...Is a one of a kind, ya know?", Meowth told us panting.

"He knocked out 17 grunts wid a single Accelerock!!", he told us while we gulped in fear.

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