Mermaids Wish

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I slid the cup of tea over to her, managing to keep a smile on my face

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I slid the cup of tea over to her, managing to keep a smile on my face.

I had a plan.

Two girls, in a town close to Fargo, that college town I had found Attina in, yet further away from mine. It would draw attention away from me. And I could pay for it with the money from my previous victim's father. 

It was a little evil. And I loved every second of it.

But first, I needed to gain trust.

"So," I began "What's with the black eye?" 

She looked down at her tea. "My bo- my ex isn't exactly the most understanding. He's angry that I broke up with him. I've tried to make it up to him, it's not like I don't want to be his friend, but sometimes he gets angry..."

I inhaled. Was she really stupid enough to cling to her abuser? "You're too trusting," I advised, sipping my cup of tea. It was surprisingly relaxing, the steam warming my nose, my tongue burning in pain. "He's taking advantage of that. You need to get far, far away." And run into my arms, I thought, though I kept silent.

"A-are you sure? He genuinely seems to love me, he just gets a little angry when I mention other men. That's nothing out of the ordinary." She argued, looking around my dining room.

Oh my god, this idiot. I was almost half tempted to find another Ariel, one who preferably wasn't so stupid. But, her lofty nature would come in handy, so I suppose I'll just have to get over it.

"That's not healthy. You shouldn't be running back to him. You're being abused. He's not special, he's just an asshole.

She stayed silent, and so did I.

Looking back, I should have just ditched her and looked for some other Ariel.

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