Chapter 1

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"What!?" You asked your mother in astonishment.

She was applying another coat of make-up on her face in front of the mirror.

"It's not a big deal Y/n, calm down." She said carelessly, thickening her lipstick.

"So this is why you and dad forced me have dinner with you guys!? For this stupid engagement!?" You said with anger.

"Are you even my mother!?" You shouted, "You're telling me that I'm engaged to a man I barely know! That is crazy!"

"Jimin's a nice guy, Y/n." She said, glaring at you annoyedly.

You were speechless for a while, mad at how your father and your mother decided that you're getting engaged to a man you've never met without discussing it with you.

"So how old is he? Some 60 year old, filthy rich man?" You asked, still angry.

Your mother laughed, "He's 25, just 2 years older than you Y/n."

"Stop making it as if it's any better! It's not, okay? I'm not getting married to this Park Jamain!"

"Park Jimin." Your mother corrected, looking at her appearance for the last time before she leave the bathroom.

She faced you, checking if there's any flaws in your hair.

No wonder why mom took me to the mall for shopping and the hair salon to do my hair!

It's all for this worthless man.

"Let's go Y/n, we don't want to be late for dinner." She said, pulling your arm.

You dragged your feet out of the bathroom with a straight face.

Your father was waiting outside patiently, when he saw both of you, he asked your mother, "Did you tell her?"

"Of course she told me dad! It's ridiculous!" You said before your mother got to answer him.

Your father smiled at your mother and walked away, expecting you to follow them.

The three of you sat by the table your father ordered for today's occasion.

"We'll have to wait for the Park's to arrive, dearie." Your father said gently.

You rolled your eyes, "Don't think our arguement is over! Why the hell do you want to arrange marriage for me!?"

"Business purposes Y/n." Your mother said.

"Oh ok! It's basically just selling me for your own needs!" You said, frustrated.

"And it's for your own good too. Jimin's a nice and hardworking person, I'm sure you'd like him. I don't think anyone would be good enough for you except for him dearie." Your father explained to you softly.

Just as you were going to open your mouth to protest, you heard a voice from behind.

"Sorry that we're late."

You didn't want to turn your head, you didn't want to see the Park's.

Your father lifted his head and identified them, a large smile forming on his face as he stood up, "That's alright! Take a seat!"

You rested your head on the table while you heard the chairs scraping, which should be them settling down.

"Let me introduce you to my daughter, Im Y/n." You heard your father say and felt your mother poking you, whispering, "Sit up straight!"

You sat up as slowly as you could and saw three people in front of you.

It should be Park Jimin and his parents.

Your eyes went to the young man instinctively; the man with the charming eyes that shaped like a moon when he smiled, with the black hair that suited him perfectly, and that attractive smile which you couldn't keep your eyes off of.

That man, should be Jimin.

No matter how much you hated the idea that you're engaged to a stranger, you had to admit that he was handsome.

He reached out his hand for a handshake and you took it.

"Nice to meet you Y/n." He said.

His voice was very angelic and sounded very gentle, a voice that would be great for singing a lullaby.

"You're very beautiful." He commented.

Even though you thought that you looked horrible today, you still forced a smile on your face, accepting his compliment.

"Well, thank you." You managed to say.

You greeted Mr. And Mrs. Park who were both good looking although they were in their 40s or 50s.

The two families settled down as the waiter came to the table for your orders.

You couldn't keep your eyes onto the menu, because Jimin was the definition of distraction.

He was so beautiful that it hurt.
Even if you didn't have any interests in him, you still loved that face of his.

You just thought that he was a beautiful vase or some precious painting hung in the museum that should be viewed at.

You glanced at him for several times, and he caught you.

Ashamed, you looked away instantly, gluing your eyes onto the menu.

After a few seconds, you looked up to see that he had been staring at you for a while with a smirk on his face.

When you two exchanged eye contact, he winked at you then ordered something with the waiter.

You knew immediately that this guy was born a flirter and perhaps an unreliable person that wouldn't be staying by your side for the rest of your life if you got married to him.

This guy was a big no no, and you're going to try your best to reject this unjust engagement.


A/n: I'm finally releasing the first chapter of this storyyyy🎊🎊🎊

Writing is a way of how I express my feelings and today was probably the worst day ever.

But I'm glad I finished this chapter and it helped me to calm down.

Thank you for reading my previous stories, your support encourages me to do better.💞

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