Chapter 13

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"This is the Mona Lisa." You whispered, tears forming in your eyes.

"I can't believe I'm looking at her." You said.

"This is the Mona Lisa, the Mona Lisa who has the most amazing smile." You said again.

"I can't believe it," You wiped the tears away from your eyes, "I can't believe it."

"This is the Mona Lisa." You said for the second time now.

Staring at it for another 10 seconds, you exhaled, "This, is Mona Lisa!"

Jimin laughed you, impressed, "I'm really glad that I took you here. You love her, don't you?"

You looked at him with your teary eyes, "Of course, thank you!"

He smiled with pleasure, wiping your eyes with his delicate fingers.

"Don't be so emotional, Y/nie~ Should we go for an ice-cream afterwards?"

You nodded as he patted your head, treating you like you were a baby.

There was still a long way to finish the museum journey though.


Jimin had a vanilla cone in his hand, while you had a cup of chocolate ice cream.

"No more honey melon?" He asked you, licking his ice cream.

"I feel like chocolate at the moment." You said, grinning cheerfully.

Suddenly, remembering something, you pulled back, "You're not going to taste what I taste like this time, right!?"

At first, he stared at you blankly, as if you were speaking some foreign language and he couldn't understand, then the memories floated in his head and a smirk curved automatically, "What, do you want me to make sure that you taste like chocolate ice cream?"

You slammed your hand into his face, "Say no more, no thank you."

He laughed widly, "I'm playing with you, Y/n."

You cringed nervously, awkward and embarassed.

He pulled you into his arms, rubbing your shoulder like what boys do.

"Loosen up, I won't eat you." He said, followed by an innocent chuckle.

Of course you will.


"Y/n, can you pole dance?"

Angrily, you threw a pillow into his, "Shut up!"

He laughed childishly at your reaction, "I'm only joking with you!"

He seemed to be very interested with the pole that stood in the middle of nowhere, as he kept playing with it and leaned on it.

"The designer of this room must've been very creative." He said, impressed.

You glared at him with disbelief, "I'm not discussing about the pole with you now, do you want to go shower?"

"You could go first if you want." He said, lying on the bed.

"Alright." You went to your luggage case to find something to wear.

A stripper got created by your imagination just by looking at the clothing.

"Hey Y/n~ What are you wearing to sleep tonight? Lingerie or that black lacy dress?" She sang, as if she was flirting.

"Shut up, I'll just wear what I wore lastnight." You said.

She looked a bit worried, biting her bright red lip, "No, no, no Y/n~ You were sweating lastnight, the dress must be odorous, and that's not hot at all~"

"He can smell my sweat for all I care!" You said, rolling your eyes.

She was looking a bit angry now, pouting her plump lips and stumping on her high heels.

"That is not sexy, Y/n!"

You told her to buzz off and she disappeared from your head.

Thinking carefully about what the stripper just said, you realized that it's definitely not pleasant to be smelling bad, especially sharing a bed with someone.

"Jimin," You called, looking at him shamefully, "please borrow me something to wear."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Mine is too showy, it's just for tonight and tomorrow... Please." You pleaded softly.

He said nothing, reaching for a white T-shirt in his case and handed it to you.

"You've got pants?" He asked thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I've got shorts. Thanks man." You said, going to the bathroom.

You didn't have to blindfold him again, despite the bathroom was still see through, it wasn't connected to the bedroom.

You don't think that he's shameless enough to walk to the bathroom and watch you do your hygiene.

Feeling relaxed, you took a shower, memorizing about what happened today.

It must've been on of the best days of your life, you went to the Louvre Museum, took pictures of the glass pyramid, you saw Venus de Milo, and Mona Lisa.

There's only one reason that you've got a chance to encounter these wonders, and that's Jimin.

Your family could definitely afford this trip, it was just that no friend of yours would want to go with you as they weren't interested in arts as much you were.

You're not brave enough to explore the places you love, and here, you're with him, someone you've met for about three times, enjoying the atmosphere.

You felt that there was a strange, soulful connection between you two.

You hoped that he felt the same.


A/n: Thank you for all the reads and votes!

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