Chapter 31

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Your hands were shaking from an unknown fear while you clutched the landline.

These trembles of your fingers started when you dialed the numbers, suddenly aware of every sound you heard in the house.

You did not want Jimin to know you were on the phone, it did not seem like he wanted you to contact them.

You were not stupid, you noticed that his family must be hiding something.

It gave you goosebumps just by thinking of what a dangerous situation you were in, perhaps the Jimin that you trusted was also onto something.

But you doubted that, you don't think Jimin would do any harm to you.

You waited for your father to pick up the phone, during the time, you looked around to see if anyone was spying.

Finally, by the third glance of your eyes checking the curtains, a frightened voice of a woman came into your ear.

"Please stop calling me." Her sounded so scared, so shaky and afraid.

"Who's this?" You asked cautiously, "Where's my father."

There was silence through the call, the woman trying to decipher your voice, in purpose to identify who you were.

"Y/n?" She asked, unsure.

At that second, you knew that she was your mother. Her voice often sounded so proud and confident, but now she sounded as if she was emotionally tortured and drained.

"Mom!" You cried.

Just as you were going to explain your situation to her and ask her what she meant by her avoidance of this number, you heard the door open.

Jimin must be home.

"Mother, I'll speak to you tomorrow, I need to go now." You told her quickly and hung up as fast as you could.

You folded the piece of paper and placed it into your pocket, planning to call your mother tomorrow with your phone.

You ran as silently as you could back into the bedroom, acting as if you were simply folding the clothes into the luggage case.

You could hear his footsteps coming towards you, and every step he took made you somehow more and more uncomfortable.

You were afraid if he would appear to be as strange as Saturday.

He rested his arm on the doorframe, looking at you, his eyes mean and cold.


He arched his one eyebrow, "Are you hungry?"

You shook your head, tightening your lips together into a straight line, refusing to speak.

He went to you, handing you some sheets of papers, his face still cold and unbothered.

"What is this?" You asked, taking the papers out of his hand and read the title.

"Divorce?" You said unbelievably and confused, you had no idea why Jimin was doing this.

"Why?" You said as your voice cracked, sounding dry and strained, "Why?"

"I'm only trying to protect you." He said, not taking your worried look into account.

"If you'd please tell me what all this is happening." You said, "The reason why I'm moving to Italy, alone."

"Your angry father, and you being so different." You held in the tears that were trying to escape out of your eyes, "Please give me an explanation!"

"I told you," He said, word by word, "I'm only trying to protect you."

You bit your lip stubbornly, frustration pouring over your head, soon you were raged in anger.

"Yeah, of course. After the divorce, you could get some other girl, am I right?" You said.

"And I could get married to another man! He'll treat me so much better, he'll be so nice to me, he'll love me, he'll always-"

Jimin took your breath as he pulled your head in his direction, forcing your lips to slam against his.

You tried to get yourself released from his grip, however your strength seemed so weak comapared to his. You struggled helplessly.

The more you objected him, the more he pulled you in for a deepened kiss.

He had never been so rough and rude to you, and you were beyond astonished.

He finally pulled away, staring at you aggressively, your face already covered with tears.

"What do you want from me?!" You felt heartbroken, yet confused at how different he was, how he changed from that sweet person into this.

"I'll sign!" You spat, grabbing a pen from the table and scribbled your signature onto the paper.

"Since you hate me so much." You added, not enough to describe how painful you were.

He looked damaged and wounded, impaired with agony by what you had said.

But who knew if they were lies.

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