Chapter 34

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"I told you not to come back, Y/n." He spoke seriously, as if you coming back was an act that would be frowned upon.

You glared at him, disappointed yet furious, holding the anger in you that burnt like wild fire.

"I found out, Jimin." You said, emphasizing each word.

You watched his face suddenly change from calm to pale with guilt.

He took deep breaths, attempting to calm himself, but your glares made him feel more and more guilty.

"Y/n." He reached out his hand and tried to touch you, but you flinched and pulled out the shard you've been hiding in your sweater all along.

"Don't come closer." You defended yourself painfully, his eyes welling up with sinful tears.

"You killed my father." You said, your eyes red and watery.

"Why did you do that?" You voice softended as the images of your smiling father flashed through your head.

"Y/n, I'm-"

"I trusted you!" You yelled, cutting his sentence off, not allowing him to speak.

"I trusted you, Park Jimin." You repeated helplessly, letting the tears just flow down your cheeks shamelessly.

You wanted to see him flooded with guilt, you wanted to see his apologetic look, as if all those would quench your hate.

He remained silent, yet his worried look was beginning to fade away to that peaceful state he had, as if he had been expecting this.
That was what hurt you.

"I loved you." You whispered, and he finally reacted, his eyebrows furrowed in agony.

"What do you expect me to do!?" You screamed, feeling yourself going insane, "The person I loved killed my father!"

You cried your emotions out, still holding the glass in your hands tightly, soon to be piercing through your palms. Yet, that was not as sore as what your heart was experiencing.

"You push me to the cliff, Jimin." You stared at him, "I don't know what to do!"

He looked as still as if nothing had happened, holding your hands gently, and placed it by his chest.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." He said, peaceful but truthful, you could not hear any panic through his voice, "I am sorry for everything that I've done."

Tears rushed out of your eyes uncontrollably, you did not know if it was because you were unsatisfied with his apology or it hurt you to see him admitting it all.

"You make me feel like I'm wrong one!" You shouted, watching the sharp glass going through the thin fabric of his shirt.

He smiled lightly, "I forgive you for what you're doing right now."

The more he spoke, the more he pulled your hand in for the access of stabbing himself in his fatal spot.

You shook your head furiously as you pulled your hands back, unsure if you wanted to kill him.

"He is my father after all," He spoke softly, as if he was singing you a lullaby, "I have to obey him."

"So, Y/n. Please leave my father alone once you killed me." He said, his face so calm and still, not scared of the fact that he was facing his own death.

"One life for the other." He said, "I'll die so that we cancel out."

You weren't pleased about this idea, deep down in you, you did not want to see another loved one of yours peave your side, but you were not admitting it.

"I am sorry, Y/n." He deepened his smile, it was the sweetest and most angelic smile you've ever seen from him, "I am sorry."

He began to use his full strength, forcing the blade in your hands into his chest.

He watched you cry hopelessly, how he wanted to see you again, but that was what was fair for you.

He released one hand and wiped your teary eyes with his thumb, caressing them carefully.

"Don't cry." He whispered, "It'll be fine."

You watched him take his hand back, while you clutched the glass with all of your power, praying that he would let go.

"Even if you die, you still don't pay it off!" You screamed, hoping that he would stop.

He said nothing, still beaming his lovely smile, in the purpose of comforting you.

Your prayers worked.
A loud bang shot through the room, and that was the last thing you heard.

You saw Jimin's smile disappeared immediately, his eyes astonished, his hands that were gripping to the blade fell.

You closed your eyes shut tiredly and tightly, as if that would ease the pain of the bullet shot into you.

The pain was not for long, the next second, you felt nothing.

You did not hear Jimin's hopeless screams and calls echoing throughout the entire building.

You did not see the regretful tears of Jimin, him touching your face, in hope to revive you.

You did not feel him touching your heart, wishing the blood would stop.

You did not know, Jimin loved you.

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