Chapter 17

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"I should've known." You whispered, loud enough for others to hear.

Jimin took you to the 'must see' in Paris, Eiffel Tower.

You cursed at how stupid you were to not even have a clue that he'll be taking you here.

You've always wanted see the real Eiffel Tower, and you had to admit it was absolutely beautiful.

It's just that something was wrong... Jimin was very quiet which scared you somehow.

He took you to the top, using the elevator. Him, not speaking a word and you didn't dare to say anything.

Finally, you and him reached the top as you rushed out before him.

It was breathtaking, the cool air running through you and the excitement that made your blood boil.

The beauty was indescribable, too amusing and unrealistic.

The stars were flashing brightly in their unique way, as if they were desperate for your attention. They were like outstanding diamonds on a black cloth.

Lights from houses and buildings were also shining, reminding you that there were also happy people in there, sitting cozily in their chairs.

The place was glamorous and it made your heart beat faster and your eyes wet with tears.

Jimin came right behind you, then stood besides you with his soothing smile.

"Do you like it?" He said softly as if he was talking to a baby.

"I love it." You stated truthfully, relieved that he finally spoke.

He stared at you intensely, showing you that he loved every piece of you, atleast that's what you think.

"I'm glad."

He leaned towards your direction, his face closer and closer to yours.

"I'm glad, Y/n." He repeated into your ear, gently and magnetcially.
It made you tingle and your cheeks burn, especially how he said your name.

You thought these scenario's only happen in romances, it was too romantic to be real!

Slowly, he faced you, looking at you with his affectionate eyes.

He didn't do anything, just paused there as if he was luring you into kissing him.

But before that got to happen, you had a confession to make.

Despite your nervousness, you still managed to say, "I have something very important to tell you."

He nodded, hoping that you'd continue.

It felt like your heart was going to jump out of your ribcage and you were on the verge of tears.

"I love you." You said, suddenly broke into tears and started crying.

He froze, it looked like he didn't expect to hear that.
He was surprised.

After a few seconds, he lifted your chin for your eyes to meet his that were full of love and affection, and pulled you in as your lips landed on his.

You could feel tears running down your cheeks, feeling like you were happiest and most joyful girl ever.

You thought tonight must've been the most magical night of your entire life.

Jimin's POV.

He thought that ignoring her would be a great choice.

It wasn't, at all. The poor girl looked so sad because he wasn't saying anything, as if she was guilty, suspecting if she had done anything wrong.

Her face was priceless when she saw the view out there, so pure and precious that there were tears in her eyes.

It made him want to protect her and give her a big hug.

He held it in, telling himself it was best not to fall for her, he wouldn't be able to stand her sadness in the future if he did so.

Although, he tried to do so, he still enjoyed to play and tease her, watching how her face goes red within a few minutes.

He didn't think it was as bad as falling deeply into her, well he didn't admit it atleast.

That persistent was gone when she said she loved him. She was too precious.

He froze, to try function and to think properly about dealing with this situation; but he couldn't control himself, he kissed her, not noticing it was another wrong step made.

He couldn't resist such a special person, and helplessly, he promised something he'll never be able to complete.

"I'll love you, and take care of you forever."

He knew he lied, but he just wished the time could stop at this magical moment, so nothing unpleasant would be evidenced.


A/n: Guess a song:
Jimin and broken promises.

Answer revealed next chapter.


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