Chapter 16

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"We still have a date tonight?" You sat up from the bed, astonished, "But we're leaving tomorrow!"

After the walk to the Holy Chapel and a brunch at a restaurant, Jimin took you back to the motel.

Jimin laughed, "Calm down, that's why we came back so we could rest for a while."

"What do you mean? What time will we be going?" You asked.

"So we could save some energy for this evening, I guess. We're going around 7." He said, burying hinself in the blanket.

"I'm going to sleep now, see you later."

You heard him and replied nothing while scrolling through your phone.

You realized that it was quite boring without him speaking.
The only sounds in this room were the rattling of the blankets and you sighing.

You looked at his sleeping face, so peaceful and angelic, those long eyelashes that you're envious of, casting shadows on his cute cheeks.

Irresistibly, you took a few pictures of him on your phone.
He looked so endearing and enchanting even in his sleep.

Giggling at those pictures you took of him, you hopped off of bed, wanting to take a shower.

A ping stopped you, it seemed like a ringtone from Jimin's phone.

His phone was right next to you, on the lamp table. Curiousity struck you like lightning, you actually wanted to see what notification was.

It was desperate.

Calmly, you told yourself not to do so as you got off of bed, heading towards the bathroom.

Suddenly, your body reversed and it felt like you weren't in control of your hands as they picked his phone up.

It was a message from Mr. Park, his father.

"It's done."

Before you got to think about what 'it's done' meant, another message was received.

"Have a safe flight, see you tomorrow."

You were overwhelmed with guilt after reading those messages and was glad that those weren't anything personal.

You lectured youself, scolding that even if he was your husband, he still needed privacy.

You went to shower right away.

Jimin's POV.

His face no longer heavenly, a drastic change from angel to devil, woke up from his phone buzzing.

Alerted, he squinted at Y/n who seemed to freeze after hearing the ringtone.

Staring at her viciously with narrowed eyes, she took his phone and checked the message.

She seemed sinful as soon as she placed the phone back to where it was, then walking away.

He made sure that she's definitely not coming back immediately, as he waited patiently, to hear sounds of a shower.

Wide awake, he sat up, picked up his phone and saw the two messages.

After reading them, he furrowed his eyebrows, somehow glad that it wasn't anything important or revealing.

Apart from that, still feeling cautious, he changed the settings so that messages or notifications wouldn't be able to be viewed on the lock screen.

He disliked the fact that she looked at his messages secretly, he hated people who did so.

Strangly, Jimin found out that he could only unlike some of her acts when she wasn't around, but when she's beside him, he seemed to be attracted to her.

It's like a personality change.

He felt blameworthy that she was the victim of this scene, and want to make it up for her, but it seemed like hating her was an option too. In fact that was what he's supposed to do.

But the truth was, she wasn't as hate-able as what he expected her to be.

She was nicer than what he expected, so much nicer.

Ruffling his hair in irritation, he decided to go back to sleep as tomorrow might be a disastrous day.

Before he fell asleep again, he decided to just stick to the original plan and idea.

He's a bad guy after all.


Your POV.

"Do you like stars, Jimin?" You asked him, who was staring out of the same window as you were, in the taxi.

"Yeah, you?" He responded shortly, shooting you with a question.

"I loovvveeeee 'em!" You said enthusiastically.

"What, are you going to say that I'm as beautiful as the stars this time?" You chuckled.

He didn't say anything, just laughed, which caused you to cringe with embarassment and awkwardness.

For some odd reason, it felt like he was a slightly different person after the sleep.

He didn't look like he wanted to reply your questions or in the mood to talk.

Perhaps he's just too tired?

You didn't like the atmosphere, so you decided to just look outside silently.


A/n: Double update todayyyyyy~~~~


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