Chapter 6

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It was finally your wedding day.

In the dressing room, you chewed on your nails furiously, you couldn't hide the fact that you're nervous.

"Am I seriously going to marry him now, mom?" You asked your mother who was doing your hair, she used to be a hairdresser before she got married to your father.

"Of course Y/n, don't do anything stupid." She warned you sternly, pulling onto your hair.

You groaned, "I just can't believe it! Honestly, I do like him, but I don't like him to a point that I want to marry him! That's love!"

"Don't be silly Y/n, you'd love him one day. Trust me."

She told you to stop chewing your nails so you fidgeted with your thumbs as you grew more and more irrational.

"Can I run away?" You asked anxiously.

Your mother gave you a dirty look in the mirror, "I said it already, don't be silly! It's not a big deal!"

"You're my mother! You're not supposed to be doing this to me!" You cried.

"For heaven's sake, how many times are we going to argue about this!? Let's just get this over and done with, then you and Jimin could start your lovey dovey lives." Your mom blurted, twisting your hair into a bun.

You felt your mother's hands trembling, and in the mirror, her eyes were drenched in tears.

"Mom...?" You whispered, turning your head to her, "Are you crying?"

She looked away and removed her hands from your hair as she wiped her eyes.

"Of course not!"

Watching your own mother cry, made you want to cry.

"Mummm~ Stop cryinggg!!!" You said, feeling tears circling in your eyes.

"No! You can't cry Y/n! If you cry, your make-up will be ruined!" She screamed, wiping her tears with her sleeve.

"Ok," You breathed, looking up the ceiling to prevent the mascara with your tears to flow out of your eyes, "ok."


You walked down the aisle nervously, with the sounds of the piano playing as you took every step.

You gulped at how packed the church was as they stared at you with excitement which made you more nervous.

You were so scared that you're going to trip or faint, well you wished you fainted so that the wedding would be postponed.

Seeing your parents waving at you wildly made you calm down for a bit as you finally got to the priest, and Jimin.

He looked gorgeous today, that sweet smile on his face and his charming eyes all over you, examining your beauty.

The priest started addressing both of you about the duties and roles in your marriage, also, how significant the vows were.

You were obviously not concentrating as you looked down at the floor.

"Pss." You heard someone whisper and looked up to find Jimin calling you.

He winked at you, signaling that he also thought the speech was boring, you laughed silently at him while the priest continued to speak.

Finally, he got to the vows.

"Park Jimin, do you take Im Y/n to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?"

Jimin's gaze was still on you, not willing to stop looking, "I do."

"Im Y/n, do you take Park Jimin to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honour him all the days of your life?"

You bit your lip and closed your eyes tightly.

Should I run away now?


Oh screw it, Jimin is a nice person, I can trust him!

You opened your eyes gradually, "I do."

"May the Lord bless these rings, which you will give to each other as the sign of your love and fidelity." The priest said as Jimin took your left hand and slid a sparking diamond ring onto your finger and you did the same.

Joyfully, the priest anounced, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

You gave Jimin a sheepish smile as he leaned closer and kissed you gently.

Everyone, applauded.


A/n: Sorry that I didn't update for a LONGGG time...😂😂😂

I'm not going to lie, I was lazy af.

But yeah, here it is.💞💞💞

Our game reached 3k by the way...

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