Chapter 14

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Your eyes opened and you saw Jimin's big, cute smile in your face.

"Good morning, Y/n!" He said.

You rubbed your eyes, looking at him, staring at you.

"Morning..." You said miserably, unhappy that he woke you up so early.

It was only 7.

His smile grew wider, "Does Y/n want to sleep moreeee?"

He went towards you, pinching your cheeks, pulling you awake, "Well, we've got a date this morning!"

You, still sitting in the bed, didn't like the sound of it, "But it's Sunday, Jimin."

"That's the whole point!" He exclaimed, "Don't be so grumpy!"

"Get up and get ready, I'll pick a dress for you."

Before you got the chance to refuse, he was already digging your suitcase.

With no other choice, you got up slowly and emotionlessly, moving to the bathroom.

After brushing your teeth, washing your face and fixing your hair, you were wide awake.

You walked to him who laid a dress on the bed.

It was baby blue in colour, short sleeves, and wasn't too long or too short, an appropriate length.

Overall, it was something lovely to wear, but what bugged you was it wasn't your clothes.

You were sure that wasn't in your luggage case.

The stripper in your mind, appeared again.

"He must've thought that you looked like a nun, and must've went out to sleep with another woman." She said, blinking those seductive eyes.

You pinched your nose bridge, "Firstly, why are you back? And secondly, what makes you think that?"

She laughed, her feminine voice vibrating in your head.

"My existence is for you to have a sexier appeal, and how do I know? Well, where do you think he got that dress from?"

You groaned, "How does that dress prove that he slept with someone lastnight?"

She glared at you with disbelief, "Oh my gosh, Y/n! According to my experiences, the girl must've slipped the dress into your bedroom, to satisfy her desire of dominance! I do that all the time!"

"You are created by me! How is that possible for you to have experiences of sneaking your dress into another girl's room?" You said.

"And that doesn't make sense, it won't be possible for Jimin to get out of this room and come back with another girl, putting the dress in the room! I would've woken up!" You continued.

She rolled her eyes, "We'll see what he's got to say!"

The stripper, sitting on an imaginary chair, was still in your mind, waiting for his answer in able to prove you wrong.

"Ah, there you are, Y/n!" He said with his pure smile.

"I tried to search for something in your suitcase, but it seeks like they're all exposing."

"So I bought a dress for you yesterday, it seems like those clothes your mother packed for you makes you insecure." He said, pinching his chin.

"See!" You screamed with victory and joy, "He bought it for me!"

"Ugh, whatever." She said in an annoyed tone, soon she disappeared in a cloud of purple glitter.

You felt so happy that he was such a caring and considerate person, it made your heart flutter and, you felt as if you liked him more.

"Wow, thank you." You said, laughing while you scratched your head.

"Go put it on!" He beamed with excitement.

You took the dress to the bathroom to get changed.

Surprisingly, it fit you perfectly, you had absolutely no idea how he knew your size.

His reaction was priceless, he looked so adorable.

How his face changed from a light smile to parting those flawless lips of his, forming his mouth into an 'O', as if he had seen the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world.

You knew that you were stunning without even asking him, you were the apple of his eye.

"Where are you taking me to today?" You asked.

"You'll love it Y/n, trust me." He said, grabbing the room key.

Looking at the key, you got reminded of something, "Jimin, can we keep this room for tonight?"

He looked puzzled and startled at the same time, "Why?"

"Despite of this disturbing pole, I sort of like this room. It's cute." You explained.

"And who knows if we are going to get a weirder room if we change." You added, trying your best to convince him.

He listened to you as a sunny smile grew on his face, "Sure then, anything that you want."

What you loved most about this room wasn't the soft and light colours painted on the wall that created a soothing effect.

It was that this room had the most valuable and precious memories of you two, and you'll never forget it.

But you won't ever tell him about this.


A/n: I've got a headacheeee

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