Chapter 2 - Humble Beginings

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5 Months Later...

My leg had almost completely healed, it still was sore when I ran or was standing for long periods. Since the accident, I've decided to stay in Central City for a bit, I almost died and I realized that there's still so much to do, first things first, I wanted to complete my time in college. I had stopped halfway through my year when the particle accelerator exploded. Luckily for me, college consisted of mostly sitting, writing and listening, so I wouldn't be straining my leg.

"And therefore x is equal to 367.009" My professor finished as the class was over.

"Remember, tomorrow chapter 9-11 is due!" he added and the class started packing up. I reviewed my notes, something didn't make sense.

"Professor!" I called as he started to wheel away in his wheelchair. I took out the page ready to ask him my question. He turned around a smile on his face.

"Mr. DeVoe I don't get this part." And pointed to it. I tried to explain how I was struggling with the math.

While I was explaining he was listening and thinking while I talked , then he asked something completely out of the blue.

"You take the bus here every day?", I stopped talking and held my breath, why would he ask that?

"Uh, yea" I answered not spending too much time on the topic.

"That's unfortunate." He responded and I started to explain again but he cut me off. He started explaining how to do it, telling me strategies and how to remember them. I was wowed that's for sure, how in the world was he so smart?

"Thank you, Mr. DeVoe," I said with a smile. "I'll make sure to study that tonight!" I said running out of the classroom to get to my next class.


I was sitting on the bus on my way home, it was already dark outside. I had my earphones in blasting music to mask the sound of the crying baby in front of me. While the music was filling my heart I was working on some of the chapters just so I wouldn't have so much to do tonight.

I lived in the same apartment complex as my mom but definitely not the same room, my apartment was on the second story while hers was on the 8th, the reason I choose to live in this one was because this complex was actually pretty cheap and I loved to have spear money to spend. I opened the door and turned the lights on, lying on the floor was an envelope with a pretty black lase on it. I picked it up.

From Iris And Barry Allen

Holly Shit, Iris and Barry are getting married?!?! I squealed. I knew they were meant to be! For the longest time, Barry had a crush on her, and now they finally found each other! I couldn't wait to experience this wedding. I didn't even read the card for I was already calling Iris to Fangirl about their wedding.

"Hello?" She Answered

"Hey Iris," I said trying to mask my giggles. I had already contacted her since I moved to the city so she knew I was here, she didn't hate me for leaving her and she understood why I left, she was just glad I was back.

"This is Willow right?"

"Yep," I responded.
"Guess what I just got!"I giggled. "An Invitation to your wedding!"

The line was dead on her side.

"Iris?" I asked confused.

"You just got that?" She asked it sounded like she was about to cry.

"Um, Yea?"

"That was before he went into the sp-" she cut herself off.

"Before he went on his trip" She corrected, "he had to go to Canada for a family thing."

"What? Then why did I get an invitation?" I opened the letter up. "It says it going to be this Saturday."

"Willow, I guess it arrived late. We had to cancel the wedding." She was close to tears.

Why was she crying? Then it occurred to me, "Wait, did Barry ditch you? I swear if that fool broke your heart I will storm down to Canada and shoot him" I threatened, I didn't seem like the thing for Barry to do but if he got her hopes up and broke her heart-

"No," she kinda laughed at the thought of that though.

"Okay, good," I sighed, there was a bit of awkward silence when I decided to speak up. "You know Iris if you want to talk, I'm always here,"

"Yea.. that actually would be nice." She responded which put a smile on my face.

"Alright, how about Jitter's tomorrow at 9:00 am?" I wondered.

"See you there," She confirmed.

I hung up the phone full of joy, I cannot wait to see here again! Maybe I can fix what I broke, maybe we can be friends again.

Hey Peeps! I'll try and update this book pretty often for I am on WattPad a lot, but if it takes a while to update it's because I'm writing a very good chapter and need to make sure it's perfect! Thanks for choosing to read my book!

Also you may wonder how she got an invention, in the season 3 finally right before the storm hit Barry delivered all the inventions using his super speed.

Also you may wonder how she got an invention, in the season 3 finally right before the storm hit Barry delivered all the inventions using his super speed

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End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now