Chapter 17 - No, No Love

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"They're not picking up," Iris sighed putting her phone down as we entered the Cortex. She had been trying to contact the boys for the past couple of minutes now, what were they doing? I thought they were going to have a pretty chill night at Joe's place. Well, then again, I thought we were going to have a chill night too...

"What the hell just happened?! Who was that Medusa man?!?!" Cecille squawked.

"You know that's not a Cisco-approved name," Felicity commented.

"Don't worry about who that was," Caitlyn- I mean Killer Frost commented as we walked into the medical bay. She looked down, "Caitlyn's taste in clothes is matched only by her taste in men- both terrible," She sneered and picked up a bag.

"Wait, how are you... you?" Iris started, Agh, they were still hung up on that? Yes. She still has a Jekyll and Hyde situation. I definitely understand why she lied to them about it, it's like everyone has to know everything about everyone here. "I thought Caitlyn was cured," She continued.

"Caitlyn shouldn't be keeping secrets from her friend..." Frost responded. "You are friends, right?" She added smugly.

"Yeah, of course, we are," Iris replied unsurely.

"Your 'friend' was going out of town tonight," She smirked.

"What? why?"

"Because she got herself into something she couldn't handle." Frost rummaged through the bag.

"Where are you going?" Cecille interjected.

"To find Norvock's boss and kill her," She responded as though it was the most normal thing in the world and unbuttoned her shirt.

"And you need a change of clothes of that because-" She took off her top and I spun around.

"Whoa, okay. Apparently, somebody doesn't have boundary issues!" I exclaimed. You learn something new about Team Flash every day.

"Uh, okay, girls. Can I talk to you in the Cortex?" Iris asked.

"Anywhere but here," I agreed hurriedly and rushed out of the room the rest of the ladies following my lead.

"Can we take back for a minute?" Cecille requested. "Since when did her superpowers make her a supervillain?"

Iris stopped in her tracks. "She is not a villain, okay?" She whispered in case Killer Frost heard us from the other room.

"I remember being kidnapped by her last year," Cecille added.

"What?" Felicity inquired and Cecille nodded.

"Okay, yes, but that is because she was being manipulated by Savitar and in the end, we wouldn't have been able to stop him without her." Iris defended. I guess I wasn't the only one who wasn't filled in on the past year's events.

Cecille sighed and Iris kept assuring, "Look, I know that there is some good in there."

"I get it! Technically, Caitlyn is underneath all of that somewhere but she is still dangerous," Cecille said pointing at the door to the med-bay.

"And she is also our friend, okay? I am not just gonna abandon our teammate," Iris pointed out.

"Fine. I'm coming with you."

"No, Cecille. You're pregnant."

"And your father will kill me if you get killed at your own bachelorette party."

"Count me in too," I smiled and Iris gave me a disapproved look.

"No Willow you're injured," She shot down.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now